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Wednesday 12 November 2014

Dear Sister.....

'Twas on this day, a mere humphety humph* years ago, that you, dear sister were it is time to wish you ....

Happy birthday graphics

* Humphety humph is a technical term for how old you are this year.

Yes...I think it was me that put that wig on you!
Sorry about that!

Did you know that on your Birth-day 'The Wombles' were on the telly box. Also showing on the BBC that night were 'Z Cars' and 'Last of The Summer Wine'. On the radio (Radio 2 of course!) were Terry Wogan (now aged 76), Pete Murray (now aged 89) and Jimmy Young (now aged 93). Do you remember Terry Wogan singing 'The Floral Dance'?

This isn't from the year you were born, but it was from when you was really ikkle!, probably about this ikkle.

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Some Books Published in 1973

Richard Scarry's Please and Thank You Book - Richard Scarry


The Shape of Me and Other Stuff - Dr. Suess


Father Christmas - Raymond Briggs

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You share your birthday with....

Cote de Pablo
Anne Hathaway
Grace Kelly
John William Strutt

and finally...

The Number One Song in the charts on the day of your birth was......

Daydreamer by David Cassidy

So, Happy Birthday Little Sister. Have a great day and see you soon.
Love Tracey x

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Never Forget The Sacrifices

At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the First World War ended. By that time, my Great Grandad Henry was dead as were nine million other soldiers and another 21 million were wounded. Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, France and Great Britain each losing a million or more lives. At least five million civilians also died from disease, starvation or exposure. On the morning of the 11th November 1918, Germany, seriously lacking manpower and supplies, and faced with iminent invasion, signed an armistice agreement with the Allies in a railroad car outside Compiegne in France.

My Great Grandad Henry
I've often wondered what Henry's horse was called and indeed, 
if he rode the same one all the time
Henry left a wife, Bertha, and four children, Jack (my Grandad, who was 10 at the time), Tom (who was killed in World War II), Albert (who was a Prisoner of War during World War II) and Annie. My Grandad worked in Munitions during the second World War and so was spared from the fighting, but not from the war effort.
World War I was known as 'The War to end all Wars' because of the terrible destruction and slaughter it caused. However, the peace treaty that officially ended the conflict, also, unfortunately laid the groundwork for World War II, destabilizing Europe with its severe terms on Germany.

The beautiful and poignant installation of poppies at the Tower of London, November 2014


'Oh! Jesus Christ! I'm hit,' he said; and died.
Whether he vainly cursed or prayed indeed,
The Bullets chirped-In vain, vain, vain!
Machine-guns chuckled,-Tut-tut! Tut-tut!
And the Big Gun guffawed.

Another sighed,-'O Mother, -Mother, - Dad!'
Then smiled at nothing, childlike, being dead.
And the lofty Shrapnel-cloud
Leisurely gestured,-Fool!
And the splinters spat, and tittered.

'My Love!' one moaned. Love-languid seemed his mood,
Till slowly lowered, his whole faced kissed the mud.
And the Bayonets' long teeth grinned;
Rabbles of Shells hooted and groaned;
And the Gas hissed. 

Friday 7 November 2014

Dear Brother....

The 7th of November is a very special day, because it was the day you were born, and it's time once again to wish you....
Happy birthday graphics

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Did you know that on the day you were born, there were still only three TV channels? Can you believe it? Only three! Showing on your Birth-day was 'Sooty' on BBC1 at 6pm and later that night at 10.30pm on BBC2 was an episode of 'Call My Bluff'.

Or, you could have listened to 'The Val Doonican Show' on the Wireless (if you hadn't been busy being born of course!) You were born on a Sunday and guess what was also on the radio? 'Sing something Simple'. Do you remember how we used to complain about it? Click the video to hear the theme tune and you will be catapulted back to your youth..... unless it's just me that remembers it!

This appears to be a whole show, but please don't feel obliged to listen to it all! 
(Unless you want to of course.)
'Get Off My Cloud' by The Rolling Stones was Number One in the charts, but more amusingly for my purposes....Ken Dodd was at Number Two with 'Tears'


Today is also 'Hug A Bear' Day! I'm hoping that's hug a Teddy Bear and not  hug a real Bear.
I would caution against the second option, but's your birthday!


Born On 7th November
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Morgan Spurlock
Joni Mitchell
Sharleen Spiteri
Rio Ferdinand
John Barnes
Henry Holmes, Composer
Agrippina the Younger


In The News 1965

Great Train Robber Ronald Biggs escapes from Wandsworth prison

Twin brothers Ronnie and Reggie Kray are arrested on suspicion of running a protection racket in London

Manchester United win the Football League First Division Title

Liverpool win the FA cup for the first time beating Leeds 2 - 1

Beatles film Help! debuts in London

Cigarette advertising banned on TV

First episode of Thunderbirds airs

Corgi toys introduce the all time best selling model car, 
James Bond's Aston Martin DB5 from the film Goldfinger

Asda opens its first supermarket

Mary Quant introduces the mini skirt

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So, Happy Birthday little Brother...have a great day and see you soon

Love Tracey x

Thursday 6 November 2014

Just Some Random Stuff!

Cuteness Overload


Unless life also hands you sugar and water, your lemonade is going to suck!
Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll.... I'll just have coffee please!
Instead of a sign that says 'Do not Disturb', I need one that says 'Already Disturbed...Proceed with Caution'

Question of the Day

Why doesn't someone invent a clear toaster, 
so you can see how much your toast has toasted while it's toasting.*
*Thought I'd better google that one and guess what? They have!

Pictures of the Day

It's all mine... mwah ha ha!

Maybe he shouldn't have had that third gin & tonic!

Hitchin' a ride
                                                                             Tracey x