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Tuesday 21 August 2012


This is Freddy...and his new best friend. Freddy belongs to my very good friend Di. Isn't he gorgeous?

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Some of my stand out moments...

Here are some of my favourite moments of the 2012 Olympic Games... in no particular order

The Queen meets James Bond
'The Queen' parachutes into the Opening Ceremony

Mo doing the Bolt and Usain doing the Mobot!

Tom Daley so happy to win Bronze
....and celebrating in the pool.

David Beckham bringing the flame up the Thames

David Rudisha breaking the world record for the 800 m

Mo Farah winning the 10,000m
Mo Farah winning the 5,000m

Nicola Adam's smile

Andy Murray winning Olympic Gold
at Wimbledon

The beautiful Olympic Cauldron

Rowan Atkinson at the Opening Ceremony

Everything in the Veladrome

Show Jumping Gold for Nick Skelton (far left) and team

All the Rowing

To be honest, I've enjoyed every minute of this Olympic Games and I think Great Britain has done themselves proud.  There are many more highlights but this post will be a mile long if I carry on!

Sunday 12 August 2012

Last Minute Gold Rush!

Wow! 29 Gold Medals - What an Olympic games!

Jade Jones
Taekwondo - Women's - 57kg
Ed McKeever
Sailing - 200m Men's Single Kayak
Mo Farah
Track - Men's 5000m
Luke Campbell
Boxing - Men's Bantamweight (56kg)
Anthony Joshua
Boxing - Men's Super Heavyweight (+91kg)

Congratulations Team GB

Saturday 11 August 2012

Synchronised Swimming v Rhythmic Gymnastics

I try...I really do, but I just don't get it.  Maybe it's because they look so stupid with the nose clips and those patently false grins plastered on their faces.  Or maybe it's the fact that half of what's going on is under the water.

Strangely, I don't have the same problem with Rhythmic Gymnastics... I love it. Perhaps it's because Rythmic Gymnastics bears more likeness to Gymnastics than Synchronised swimming does to swimming.

..... and the Gymnasts use props!

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Proud to be British

I can't keep up with all these Gold Medals!

Laura Bechtolshiemer on Mistral Hojris
Carl Hester on Uthopia
Charlotte Dujardin on Valegro
Equestrian - (faffing around on horsies) sorry...  Team Dressage
Jason Kenny
Cycling - Men's Sprint
Alistair Brownlee
Men's Triathlon
Sir Chris Hoy
Cycling - Men's Keirin
Laura Trott
Cycling - Women's Omnium
Charlotte Dujardin on Valegro
Equestrian - Individual Dressage
Nicola Adams
Boxing- Women's Flyweight (51kg)

Monday 6 August 2012

We only had to wait 60 years for....

Show Jumping Gold

Congratulation to

Peter Charles on Vindicat - Nick Skelton on Big Star  
Ben Maher on Tripple X - Scott Brash on Hello Sanctos
Equestrian - Men's Team Jumping

Greenwich Park

Flying the Flag

The Gold Medals just keep on coming....

Andy Murray
Tennis - Men's Singles
Greg Rutherford
Athletics - Long Jump
Mo Farah
Athletics - 10,000 metres
Jessica Ennis
Athletics - Heptathlon
Dani King - Joanna Rowsell - Joanna Trott
Cycling - Women's Team Pursuit
Victoria Pendleton
Cycling - Women's Keirin
Ben Ainslie
Sailing - Men's Finn
Katherine Grainger - Anna Watkins
Rowing - Women's Double Sculls

Sunday 5 August 2012

What a weekend!

I'm knackered.... especially after running the 10,000 metres with Mo Farah last night and winning the Long Jump with Greg Rutherford.  Of course Jessica Ennis decided we had to win the 800 metres - not just get enough points to win the Gold in the Heptathlon... she's keen that one.

Thought I might get a bit of a rest today, but no, there I was on Centre Court at Wimbledon thrashing Roger Federerererer (just exactly how many 'er's' are there in Federererererer?) It's no wonder me and Andy could only manage Silver with Laura Robson in the Mixed Doubles.  We is shattered!!

I would have gone sailing with Ben Ainslie, but to be honest I haven't got a clue what that's all about.  He seemed to be doing ok without me so I went and did some gymnastics and managed a Silver and Bronze.

Not sure what they've got me down for tomorrow so I'd better get my head down, there's plenty more gold medals to be won. 

Thursday 2 August 2012

Going for Gold!

Wow! Aren't we doing well?

Bradley Wiggins
Cycling - Road - Men's Individual Time Trial

Sir Chris Hoy - Philip Hindes - Jason Kenny
Cycling - Men's Team Sprint

Peter Wilson
Shooting - Men's Double Trap

Helen Glover - Heather Stanning
Rowing - Women's Pair

Tim Baillie - Etienne Stott
Canoe Slalom - Men's C2