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Sunday 5 August 2012

What a weekend!

I'm knackered.... especially after running the 10,000 metres with Mo Farah last night and winning the Long Jump with Greg Rutherford.  Of course Jessica Ennis decided we had to win the 800 metres - not just get enough points to win the Gold in the Heptathlon... she's keen that one.

Thought I might get a bit of a rest today, but no, there I was on Centre Court at Wimbledon thrashing Roger Federerererer (just exactly how many 'er's' are there in Federererererer?) It's no wonder me and Andy could only manage Silver with Laura Robson in the Mixed Doubles.  We is shattered!!

I would have gone sailing with Ben Ainslie, but to be honest I haven't got a clue what that's all about.  He seemed to be doing ok without me so I went and did some gymnastics and managed a Silver and Bronze.

Not sure what they've got me down for tomorrow so I'd better get my head down, there's plenty more gold medals to be won. 

1 comment:

  1. Me thinks its the syncronised swimming, or is it the fencing? Ahhhh might be the dog walking. Hope you've got your poop bag (hee hee)

    Dizzy Di
