My Blog List

Tuesday 23 October 2012

One 'flu' over the cuckoo's nest!

I think I have a touch of flu.  I tried the £10 note test and failed it... I even increased it to £20 and I still failed.  Perhaps I should explain. Apparently the way to tell if you have flu rather than a cold is to imagine there is a £10 note in the middle of your garden and if you feel well enough to go and get it, you haven't got flu.  Presumably if you are rich you would have to imagine a gold brick or a diamond, but I'm poor and normally I'd be like shit off a shovel for an unclaimed pound coin. So, the question now is - am I duty bound to spread the love (I mean germs) as far as possible or should I remain in my hermit like existence until I am better?  Decisions, decisions.  Just kidding folks, I'll keep it to myself.


  1. You are very funny. You ought to either be a writer or widden your blog so more people can enjoy it :-)


  2. Haha, Very funny, I shall have to try these "Tests" next time I'm feeling a little under the weather :3

    - JJN

  3. Yes, keep it to yourself please! Hope you are feeling better xx
