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Saturday 28 June 2014

Bite Me!

Luis Suarez is a footballer. That's his job. Whilst at work the other day he bit another player...and the disciplinary action taken was? He was given a four month holiday....sorry, I mean ban. Were his wages stopped? No. He was however, fined 100,000 swiss francs which at todays exchange rate is £65,751.21, which in turn is a measly portion of the approximately 3.3 MILLION British pounds he will be paid while he is on his holiday....sorry, I mean ban. Apparently, according to Claudio Sulser (the former Switzerland striker who chairs Fifa's disciplinary committee.) "Such behaviour cannot be tolerated on any football pitch, and in particular not at a Fifa World Cup when the eyes of millions of people are on the stars on the field."
Oh, and did I mention, this is the third...yes, you heard me, the third time that Luis Suarez has been banned for the same offence! Now, let's imagine that 'Joe Bloggs' or even Luis Suarez for that matter, is at work at Tesco and he bites another player....sorry, I mean worker.... what do you suppose the disciplinary action would be? He would be sacked of course and he'd be jolly lucky if he wasn't prosecuted.


Pictures of the Day

stadium in berlin turned into giant living room people bring own couches (5)

stadium in berlin turned into giant living room people bring own couches (6)

Surely this must be the best way to watch the World Cup if you can't actually go. This football stadium in Berlin has been turned into a huge outdoor living room! Fans have brought in settees and there will be side tables and lamps. The 700 inch TV is surrounded by cheesey wallpaper to complete the ambience.
Even I would watch a few matches here.

Football Funnies!

Football is a game in which a handful of men run around for one and a half hours watched by millions who could really do with the exercise.

What's the difference between the England team and a tea bag? A tea bag stays in the cup longer.

They say that pessimists see the cup as half empty and optimists see the cup as half full. England haven't even seen the cup since 1966.



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