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Monday 30 June 2014


When I was little, chips were made from real potatoes and deep fried in a big pan of oil....which turned into real potatoes deep fried in a deep fat fryer.... which turned into frozen chips cooked in a deep fat fryer, which turned into frozen chips cooked in the oven, which turned into, "Chips!...Oh God, you can't have chips, they're bad for you."

Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day: Howdy Hippo!

Me...having a bath, after eating  a lot of chips!

Fun Fact of the Day

Did you know that analysis of the oldest reported trace of human poo has shown that Neanderthals ate vegetables? (Maybe they had chips!)
The poo which was found at a dig in Spain seems to show chemical traces of both meat and vegetable digestion. (Maybe they had steak and chips!)



  1. I'm glad I wasn't eating my tea when I read the last bit!

  2. Whoops! Never thought of that!
