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Tuesday 22 May 2012

The Cleverness of Ladies

Many moons ago I started making Greeting cards, and from there moved into scrapbooking.  Unfortunately as I am a bit technologically challenged, none of my stuff is in a format which I can show you here.

However, I can introduce you to my two protogee's (I'll get in bother for that one).  I taught them everything they know, (I'll get in even more bother for that one).  Without me they'd be nothing, (I think I'm seriously pushing my luck now).

Anyway, were was I?  Oh yes....the ladies in question are my Mum and my Sister.  They both make cards......beautiful cards. 

They have also scrapbooked, but at the moment seem to prefer the quick fix projects of cards.

Mum shows the world her cards on under the name of philthetog.

and my sister has her own blog at called Doodles and Swirls.

They have both made so many beautiful cards, I have just picked a few of my favourites.
Here is another from Mum.

...and another from Tricia.

......and oh how these ladies love their stash!  Paper, ribbons, brads, all sorts of clever machines and cutters, flowers of every possible colour and size.  Stash is heroin for cardmakers - I still have quite a lot of it myself even though I haven't made any cards for quite a while.

I bet you didn't know that a cardmaker/scrapbooker has to buy at least two peices of each fancy paper, one for using and one for looking at and stroking!  There is nothing more soothing than an afternoon spent playing with your stash.  It never gets any tidier, but at least you have a lot of fun.

Do go and visit them and look at what else they have made and I'll show you some more on another day.

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