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Monday 28 May 2012

Project 50 - Chapter 1

After weeks of rigorous planning and reading of maps, I donned my slippers and rubber gloves grabbed my flash and sponge and set off in search of an amazing and mystical land.  Using my compass, I negotiated many obstacles, leaving a trail of Twix wrappers in case I got lost.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do when I found this strange and wondrous place but I had heard rumours that there was food and water, and people spoke of strange activities such as 'Washing Up', 'Cooking' and the strange and previously unheard of 'Putting the Rubbish Out'.

As I rounded a box of books and stepped over a bag of shot glasses (What? They'll come in handy one day) .... I finally saw it......the entrance to that esoteric land known only as... 'The Kitchen'!  It was hidden under black bags and piles of cups and plates, but I was pretty sure I had the right place.  I could see something they call a microwave in the far corner, and goodness, was that a window above the sink?  There was a peculiar bright light emanating from the aperture, a startling sight indeed.  I had heard of such magical things back in the world of 'The rest of the House' but to find that I actually had a window of my own was a staggering discovery.

I held the flash spray in front of me with both hands as I gingerly approached the sink, worried that a fork or a spoon might jump out and attack me. I had heard many tales of aggressive cutlery, and the crockery didn't look very friendly either.

I knew I would have to go back for more supplies, my flash spray and sponge were not going to make a dent in this mighty task.  I made my way back to the 'Lounge' room, following the trail of Twix wrappers I had so prudently laid earlier, where I retrieved my box of cleaning supplies. Of course I had a little rest and a cup of coffee to prepare to tackle the thing that couldn't be done...... and then..... I did it!

NB  It didn't look like this.


  1. Very well written. I bet you wish it did look like that

  2. Ha ha ha! For a minute there I had to do a double take of the picture then realised that your kitchen wasn't pink the last time I saw it! (but who knows, it could be now!)
    Looking forward to the next chapter of project 50...
    T xx
    PS Please switch comment verification off it is doing my head in!

  3. If you clean it I will paint it. Great writing keep it coming.

