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Sunday 29 September 2013

Dance With Me! (If Your Name Is Pasha Kovalev) we come to Week One, Part Two and the second 'Tess Dress' of the series. This one was a sort of lavender colour (if my telly is to be isn't always reliable, there are a lot of men with green sideburns knocking about!) and being long and voluminous presented its own problems when Bruce tried to catch her leg and it got lost in the folds! (Whoops! That made it sound like she unscrewed it and threw it at him).

I thought the first pro-dance of the season was a little odd with a mish mash of styles and music. It included drums, feathers, sparkles, Bruno dancing on the desk and Darcey being hoisted aloft on a cloud of white feathers.

Let's get down to business....couple number one was Ben Cohen (Rugby player extraordinare -apparently) and the lovely Kristina who is like the cat that got the cream with the much muscled Ben. They danced the Cha Cha Cha and to me Ben seemed a bit awkward and unsure of himself but this was probably first night nerves. Len said his footwork was terrific but he sped up through nerves which made him lose his timing a bit. Bruno said that Ben was a beefy beast, full of promise but Craig opined that he had seen breeze blocks with more movement.

Ben & Kristina's scores
Craig 3, Darcey 5, Len 6, Bruno 5 = 19
Next we had Fiona Fullerton (Bond Girl) and Anton Du Beke. Every time Fiona's name is mentioned it is followed by the sobriquet 'Bond Girl' and although she gave up her acting career seventeen years ago I'm sure she played other roles. In true Strictly affectionate style the Bond theme was pushed to the limit with music from 'A View to a Kill' and Anton playing Bond.  Darcey praised the amount of content for a first dance (Tango) and said that Fiona composed herself well despite the mistakes. Len said she was sharp as a lemon tart early on but then lost it a bit and Craig said it was lovely to see Anton actually dancing this series!

Fiona & Anton's scores
Craig 5, Darcey 6, Len 7, Bruno 6 = 24
Oh dear! Hairy Biker Dave Myers next, dancing with the lovely Karen Hauer. Their Cha Cha Cha was obviously choreographed intentionally for full comedic effect, including a John Sergeant drag and skipping and he didn't disappoint in that respect. Click the link for a good laugh - Dave & Karen's Cha Cha - He counted out loud throughout and although it was so bad it was good, I think he can do better. Darcey couldn't stop laughing and had to take her head out of her hands to comment saying that she wanted to cry with happiness (!) and she was strangely in love (!). Craig (trying very hard to keep a straight face) said it was terrifying and that he recoiled in horror with an overwhelming feeling of revulsion. you liked it then Craig! Len said that Dave danced like he himself cooked.... chuck it all in and hope for the best.

Dave & Karen's scores
Craig 2, Darcey 5, Len 5, Bruno 4 = 16
Next, in sharp contrast, we had Countdown's Rachel Riley and Pasha (Drool!) Kovalev with a romantic waltz to 'When I need You'.  Darcey thought it was very beautiful and Len said the dance was very pretty but a tad on the careful side. Craig said she had spatulistic hands  but a beautiful flow and was full of elegance. Pasha (Drool!) was as ever gorgeous to watch and poor Rachel was full of nerves but I enjoyed it very much.

Rachel & Pasha's (Drool!) scores
Craig 6, Darcey 7, Len 7, Bruno 7 = 27
Fashion Designer Julien Macdonald was next with new girl Janette Manrara. They did a Cha Cha Cha to 'Vogue' which Len said was more like Woman's Weekly than Vogue and Bruno dug himself a big gay hole by saying that Julien can't be bent all the time (meaning his legs of course). Julien was typically over enthusiastic in his post dance reactions, it probably took him all night to calm down.

Julien & Janette's scores
Craig 3, Darcey 5, Len 6, Bruno 6 = 20
Next we have professional dancer Robin Windsor with his very own dragon.... Deborah Meaden. They performed a Tango to 'Money, money, money' and were certainly slightly better than I expected. Brucey managed to get a relevant joke in when they had finished by saying it was the first time he'd seen a dragon out of puff, (Groan!). Len liked Deborah's attitude and said she had plenty of snap crackle and pop. Craig and Bruno pointed out that she messed up a bit but they still seemed quite pleased.

Deborah & Robin's scores
Craig 6, Darcey, Len 6, Bruno 6 = 24
In my opinion the Jive should not be a first week dance as it is one of the hardest to master but actually in this series both of the couples who drew the short straw (Susanna & Kevin) and Patrick and Anya have done quite well. Craig said that Patrick's rhythm and energy were absolutely fantastic but he needs to sort out his flat feet. Darcey thought his energy levels were brilliant and although he had flappy feet she liked it.

Patrick & Anya's scores
Craig 7, Darcey 7, Len 7, Bruno 7 = 28
Vanessa Feltz and James Jordan were up next with a cheeky Cha Cha to 'That Don't Impress Me Much' and sadly the judges were not much impressed! Darcey said this dance didn't suit Vanessa and she would no doubt be better at the the ballroom dances. Bruno thought she was trying too hard and lost some of her Va-Va-nessa and Craig said there was too much acting and not enough dancing. Vanessa countered that she was contending with a very tight girdle, a very hot flush and trying not to be impressed when James got his chest out! 

James & Vanessa's scores
Craig 3, Darcey 5, Len 6, Bruno 5 = 19
And finally Dahlings we have Abbey and Aljaz (pronounced Ali-ash) with a steaming hot Waltz in which they seemed to have no trouble whatsoever getting up close and personal. I wonder what Mr. Abbey (footballer Peter Crouch) thought! Len pronounced this to be the dance of the night, Craig said he had a hunch about this couple and he thought the dance was gorgeous and Darcey was impressed with Abbey's great posture and beautiful lines. They were rewarded with the highest score of the weekend.

Abbey &Aljaz's scores
Craig 8, Darcey 8, Len 8, Bruno 8 = 32
So, there we have it, week one done and dusted. Top of the pile so far are Abbey & Aljaz with a score of 32 followed by Natalie & Artem (Phwoar!) on 31, then Susanna & Kevin, Sophie & Brendan and Patrick & Anya all on 28. Then we have Rachel & Pasha (Drool!) on 27 marks, Ashley & Ola on 25, Mark & Iveta, Fiona & Anton and Deborah & Robin all on 24. Julien & Janette came away with 20, Ben & Kristina and Vanessa & James with 19 and finally bring up the rear are Tony & Aliona and Dave & Karen both with 16 marks. Nobody leaves this week but the voting lines will be open on next weeks show.


Saturday 28 September 2013

I Wanna Dance With Somebody! (Artem please!)

And we're off...Week One, Part One and first on the dance floor after Bruce's obligatory opening joke and Tess hefting her leg up for Bruce to grab (and not quite managing it because her dress is too tight/too long/too short!) are Ashley and Ola.
Ashley & Ola's scores
Craig 5, Darcey 6, Len 7, Bruno 7 = 25
Ola looked gorgeous, as always in an outfit that was barely there, and Ashley is not a bad looking chap (although he's not Artem (Phwoar)...or Pascha). They danced the Cha Cha Cha (including a short burst of Twerking) to One Direction's 'What Makes You Beautiful' and made quite a decent show of it. Mind you Ola rarely disappoints and all the couples have had three weeks to rehearse this first dance. The fun really starts next week when they only have a third of that time. The judges were reasonably kind although Len said it could have been crisper and Craig said that Ashley had stiff hips! Ashley has two reasons to be nervous at the moment...the dancing and the fact that his wife was due to give birth to their second child - yesterday!!

Next up were Tony & Aliona who danced a simple Waltz which suited Tony for his first outing. Craig however, verbally mauled the poor man, likening him in posture to the hunchback of Notre Dame and telling him his effort was riddled with errors and mistakes and bringing his first 'Disastrous' to the proceedings.  Len came to the rescue saying that Tony embodied the spirit of the show - people with no dance experience having a go. Personally, I think he probably plays golf better than he dances.

Tony & Aliona's scores
Craig 2, Darcey 5, Len 5, Bruno 4 = 16
Then we had Mark & Iveta with a rather wonderful Tango danced to 'Fernando's Hideaway'. Even though it had comedic overtures it was actually danced very well.  I think the judges were expecting something much worse. Len said that at first he was expecting it to be like a sneeze..... you know it's coming but there's nothing you can do about it. He went on to say he was shocked how good it was and that Mark had a good frame. Darcey was impressed saying it was brilliantly played and Mark was strong and masculine in hold. Me? I like it when the celebrities do better than everyone thinks they will.

Mark and Iveta's scores
Craig 5, Darcey 6, Len 7, Craig 6 = 24
The fourth couple to dance tonight were Breakfast presenter Susanna Reid and Kevin, one of this years new professionals. Their jive was extremely energetic and not bad at all for a first week dance. Susanna ended the dance with a cartwheel which as Craig put it went horribly wrong as she nearly fell over and I'm sure landing on high heeled shoes can't be good for your bones.  Apart from that all the judges were impressed, Len pulled out his first eight, Darcey came up with a Wow and Bruno said she had fantastic stage presence.

Susanna & Kevin's scores
Craig 6, Darcey 7, Len 8, Bruno 7 = 28
Sophie Ellis-Bextor was next dancing with Brendan Cole.  They did a lovely Waltz to the timeless classic Moon River and Bruno said she had an aura of sophistication. Craig put a dampner on the mood as only he can by disparaging Sophie's top line but Darcey thought she had flow, grace and elegance. The new and improved (nicer) version of Brendan said he was very proud of her and Sophie's Mother, TV Presenter Janet Ellis was shown crying in the audience. Bless!

Sophie & Brendan's scores
Craig 7, Darcey 7, Len 7, Bruno 7 = 28
Finally tonight we had Natalie & Artem (Phwoar!) with undoubtedly the best dance of the night, a rousing Cha Cha Cha danced to the Boney M classic 'Rasputin'.  Artem (Phwoar!) got his chest out for the first time this series and was dressed in a rather fetching Russian themed outfit.  Who cares what Natalie was wearing.... Sorry, I got distracted there for a moment. Is it hot in here....?  Bruno broke out some of his favourite words in his comments. Lascivious, sexy, sensuous (not sure if he meant Artem (Phwoar!) or Thingummy).... I think like me, Bruno will need a lie down after wearing out his Tivo box watching Artem (Phwoar!) and what's-her-name over and over and over.....

Natalie & Artem's (Phwoar!) scores
Craig 8, Darcey 8, Len 8, Bruno 7 = 31
So that's Week One, Part One. We had six couples tonight with the remaining nine tomorrow night. See you after the show for my reviews. Keeeeeeeep Dancing.


Friday 27 September 2013

One More Sleep! (I know it's Friday already, but I haven't been to bed yet!)

Yay! It's nearly time..... Less than twenty-four hours until the best show of the year starts.  I mean Strictly Come Dancing of course.  I love it and have watched every single show since it started in May 2004.  There were only eight contestants in the first series which was won by newsreader Natasha Kaplinskey dancing with Brendan Cole who is one of only two of the original professionals (the other being Anton Du Beke) who are still in the show this year.
Series One Winners
Natasha Kaplinskey & Brendan Cole

Series Two was also in 2004 and featured ten celebrities including the eventual winner and one of the best contestants ever, actress Jill Halfpenny who danced with Darren Bennett. Denise Lewis OBE & Ian Waite came second and surprisingly Julian Clary came third with his dance partner Erin Boag.

Series Two Winners
Jill Halfpenny & Darren Bennett
Series Three and the number of couples was increased to twelve. First out were actress Siobhan Hayes & Matthew Cutler. The lovely Zoe Ball who now presents sister programme 'Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two' came third dancing with Ian Waite. Colin Jackson & Erin Boag came second and the winners were Darren Gough & Lilia Kopylova (wife of Series Two's winning professional dancer Darren Bennett).

Series Three Winners
Darren Gough & Lilia Kopylova

Series Four and good grief...we're up to fourteen celebrities and it's Nicole Cutler's turn to draw the short straw with Nick Owen and they are first out. Comedian Jimmy Tarbuck had to withdraw from the competition for health reasons so Flavia Cacace had to sit out the rest of the series apart from joining the other professionals for show dances. This was the series were James Jordan was paired with actress Georgina Bouzova, a match that was definitely not made in heaven!  The eventual winners were Mark Ramprakash & Karen Hardy.  Cricketer Mark blossomed as the series progressed after starting out as a very shy and series man.  In my opinion Karen Hardy is probably the best professional dancer to appear on Strictly and she fully deserved this win.

Series Four Winners
Mark Ramprakash & Karen Hardy
For poor Karen Hardy, winning Series Four got her the booby prize in Series Brian Capron who seemed to have several left feet and they were first out. Anton Du Beke also got a duffer in Kate Garraway who's popularity (not her dancing) carried her through to eighth place out of fourteen. Matt Di Angelo & Flavia Cacace came in second but the deserved winners were Alesha Dixon & Matthew Cutler.

Series Five Winners
Alesha Dixon & Matthew Cutler

Series Six saw the introduction of my favourite male professional dancer Brian Fortuna who danced with Heather Small of M People and they came ninth out of a cast of sixteen couples. Brendan Cole managed third place with Lisa Snowden and second place went to singer Rachel Stevens with Vincent Simone. The very popular winners of this series were actor Tom Chambers & Camilla Dallerup.

Series Six Winners
Tom Chambers & Camilla Dallerup
Now we come to Series Seven which featured my favourite ever Strictly couple who also went on to have a real life relationship, Ali Bastian & Brian Fortuna, who in my opinion were robbed of the glitter ball when they came third.  However TV presenter Chris Hollins & Ola Jordan who did dance off with the glitter ball were a very entertaining couple. Brian and Ali did however go on to win the Christmas Special which was some compensation for the Fortuna fans.

My favourite Strictly couple
Ali Bastian & Brian Fortuna
Series Seven Winners
Chris Hollins & Ola Jordan
Disappointingly, Brian Fortuna didn't join us for a third series but we still had a good cast of characters for Series Eight including Jimi Mistry who was paired with Flavia Cacace and is still paired with her three years later. They are now engaged. Unfortunately they only managed tenth place in the competition. It was in this series that the wonderful Ann Widdecombe proved herself to be a great sport and a very popular contestant along with her long suffering dance partner Anton Du Beke. It was just a shame that she couldn't dance! Strangely this didn't seem to matter as she finished in a respectable sixth place. It has to be said that the top four in this series were all extremely good and I would have been happy if any of them had won, so I think we'll have photo's of all four couples.

Scott Maslen & Natalie Lowe
Pamela Stephenson & James Jordan
Matt Baker & Aliona Vilani
Series Eight Winners
Kara Tointon & Artem Chigvintsev

Series Nine featured the shy and retiring (NOT) Russell Grant who together with Flavia Cacace provided this years comedy relief.  However nobody could deny his passion for the dancing and his fondness of Flavia and they came eighth out of fourteen. Once again Anton was stuck with a no hoper, although she was a no hoper with a very high opinion of herself. Nancy Dell'Olio seemed convinced from the start that she was God's gift to the art of dance although in her case it was more like the very bad crayon drawing of dance. Poor Anton! Harry Judd & Aliona Vilani won the series with Chelsee Healy & Pasha Kovalev in second place and third place for Kristina Rihanoff & Jason Donovan.

Series Nine Winners
Harry Judd & Aliona Vilani

Which brings us right up to last year and Series Ten. Sadly in last place was Johnny Ball (father of Zoe) swiftly followed by Jerry Hall and then actor Sid Owen. The surprise of this series was actress Lisa Riley who everyone thought would be the comedy turn as she is a larger lady.  She was paired with Robin Windsor and they developed a wonderful friendship and guess what? Lisa could dance and had more stamina and elasticity than many women half her size. She wowed the audience and judges with her Cha Cha Cha in week one and you can watch it by clicking the link under the picture. Lisa & Robin finished in a very creditable fifth place and every dance was a treat.

Second place was shared by Denise Van Outen & James Jordan and Kimberly Walsh & Pasha Kovalev.
The winners and therefore reigning champions were Olympic Gymnast Louis Smith & Flavia Cacace.

Series Ten Winners
Louis Smith & Flavia Cacace
So, that's it. Roll on tomorrow and the proper start to Series Eleven. I wonder who this years winners will be...............   BBC 1, Friday 27th September, 9pm.


Wednesday 25 September 2013

Countdown To Christmas!

Uh-oh!  It looks like the Christmas lights have come out of the council's decoration box. Only 13 weeks until Christmas Day!

Photo from Blackburn Life

Thursday 19 September 2013


Electrifying: Stunning images show lightning striking the Grand Canyon
Photograph by Rolf Maeder

This brilliant photograph captures the moment when huge lightning bolts shot down from the wonderfully atmospheric sky into the Grand Canyon, one of the world's natural wonders. The landscape is spectacular, even more so illuminated by the lightning. This magnificent Canyon is thought to be 17 million years old and according to the National Park Service it averages at least 26,000 lightning strikes a year. It is 277 miles long and in parts up to 18 miles wide, hard to imagine just from a photograph. Picture yourself flying over it on a fine and sunny day, preferable I think to a stormy night. Our planet has some of the most amazing geography and thanks to photography, film and the internet not all of us need to travel to see these amazing sights.


Wednesday 18 September 2013

Me? Miserable?

I'm channelling Eeyore!


Monday 16 September 2013

All The Fun Of The Fair!

When I was little, the Easter Fair was held on a large piece of 'spare' land at Ewood. It was a proper old fashioned travelling fair and seemed huge to us kids.  It was usually muddy underfoot and the sound of the electricity generators and different music from each of the rides was deafening. There were toffee apple stalls and candy floss vendors....burger and hot dog stands.  You could get parched peas and pop, potatoes and hot drinks. The sight and smell of all these goodies was tantalising and I'm sure I spent much of the time tugging on sleeves saying "Mummy..... can I have? Daddy, can I have?"

I think my grandparents came with us most years and even when we lived in Southport for a while which had it's own permanent fairground, we still came to Blackburn because it was a proper fair. My favourite ride was The Caterpillar, it went faster and faster and then the canopy came over and it went even faster. Loved it.

I remember going on the Big Wheel when I was about six or seven.  I was sat between my Auntie Marion and Uncle David happily swinging my legs and eating a candy floss while the cars climbed slowly higher as other people got on.  I suddenly became a lot less happy when everyone was on and we started breaking the land speed record for a stationery object! (Honestly, that's what it felt like). Suddenly I wanted to get off and my candy floss was forgotten. As I panicked, I kicked my legs and it felt like we were going to tip out of the car. Believe me when I say I was quite relieved to get off the blummin' thing.


My Dad always had a go on the Speedway which was too grown up for us and too fast for Mum. My abiding memory of this was being terrified that he was going to fly off as he would stand up on it holding on to a pole and it went so fast it was a blur! I think my hot dog and pop probably threatened to reappear during this tense interlude. 

Another favourite was the Helter Skelter, flying down on those prickly mats and having to be on your feet quick sharpish when you reached the bottom, before the next person barrelled into you.  Such fun!

......and there were hoopla games, coconut shies, carousels, tin can alley and so much more and then....pause for drum roll.... there were goldfish and gonks on the way out. Magic, essence of childhood that I wish I could bottle.


P.S. Unfortunately these are not pictures of the actual fair I was talking about, but quite similar to what I remember. And another sign of aging... I had to put the word Vintage in the Google search to find the right kind of photo's!

Friday 13 September 2013

First Day At School

This is my nephew Jamie in his new uniform, on his first day at school. Isn't he a cutie-pie? 


Thursday 12 September 2013

P-p-pick Up A Penguin!

I don't know why, but this really makes me giggle!


Wednesday 11 September 2013

It's That Girl Again!

Oh dear, the fringe is longer but looks like it has been cut by putting a bowl over my head! This is me aged eleven I think, in my first long dress which was bought for a holiday at Pontins in Prestatyn, Wales. The dress is white with red flowers and a red bodice and I felt quite grown up in it.  The holiday camp we went to was the same one featured in 'Holiday On The Buses.' Even now whenever the film is on I'm transported back to that great time.

It was a great holiday, my friend Gillian came with us, and I remember a lot of trampolining in the playground and a lot of dancing in the ballroom.  There was so much to do - table tennis, arcade games, swimming, those racing events where you bet on numbered horses and then races are shown on a screen.  Happy days. My brother rode in the donkey derby (hmm.... must find a picture of that) and my baby sister was entered in the beautiful baby contest. Did she win? I can't remember...aaaah! Mum, did she win?

Anyway, that was one of my favourite holidays, although to be honest all our holidays were great, mostly proper seaside, bucket and spade ones or holiday camps so jam-packed full of activities there wasn't a boring moment. I think I'll have to re-visit this subject as more wonderful holidays are coming to mind. What's your favourite holiday memory?


Monday 9 September 2013

Who's That Girl?

 Why, it's me of course....and guess what? I've still got that teddy bear. Look how short that fringe is, I'd go mental if someone cut it that short now as I've never been blessed with much in the eyebrow department. Whoever was handing them out must have been distracted when it was my turn, so having a longish fringe is quite important to me. But bless, I was quite cute back then....what happened?


Saturday 7 September 2013

Do You Wanna Dance?

The Strictly couples have been paired up and in just three weeks will perform their first dances together. Bruce Forsyth was on good form tonight and I'm afraid Tess Daly's dress was predictably dull. Sorry Tess, but you need a new stylist.

Statuesque: Tess Daly wears a gold sequined and black gown to the Strictly Come Dancing launch night

Before we go any further, I must have missed something....we seem to have mislaid a handful of professional dancers. Brucie told us that Natalie Lowe had suffered an injury but what's happened to Erin Boag, Flavia Cacace and Vincent Simone? I'll investigate and let you know next week (Saturday night is dance night until Christmas). Anyway here are this years couples.

Abbey Crouch and Aljaz Skorjanec
Abbey Clancy & Aljaz Skorjanec
(Good looking couple...look out Crouchy)

Ola Jordan and Ashley Taylor Dawson
Ashley Taylor Dawson & Ola Jordan
(I think he's pleased)

Ben Cohen and Khristina Rihanoff
Ben Cohen & Khristina Rihanoff
(I think she's relieved as the alternative
was Mark Benton)

Dave Myers and Karen Hauer
Dave Myers & Karen Hauer
(Can't get a good one every year Karen)

Robin Windsor and Deborah Meaden
Deborah Meaden & Robin Windsor
(Robin make every woman feel like a princess)

Fiona Fullerton and Artem Chigvintsev
Fiona Fullerton & Anton Du Beke
(Super fan Fiona got her favourite man)

Julien Macdonald and Janette Manrara
Julien Macdonald & Janette Manrara
(Julien could be over excitable)

Mark Benton and Iveta Lukosiute
Mark Benton & Iveta Lukosiute
(Better luck next year Iveta)

Natalie and Artem Chigvintsev
Natalie Gumede & Artem Chigvintsev
(Lucky, lucky Natalie!)

Patrick Robinson and Anya Garnis
Patrick Robinson & Anya Garnis
(New girl gets a hottie)

Rachel Riley and Pascha Kovalev
Rachel Riley & Pacha Kovalev
(Another pretty lady for Pacha)

Sophie Ellis-Bextor and Brendan Cole
Sophie Ellis-Bextor & Brendan Cole
(Brendan - the cat that thinks he's got the cream)

Kevin Clifton and Susanna Reid
Susanna Reid & Kevin Clifton
(A very smiley pair) 

Aliona Vilani and Tony Jacklin
Tony Jacklin & Aliona Vilani
(Oh dear... Johnny Ball last year....)

Vanessa Feltz and James Jordan
Vanessa Felttz & James Jordan
(James putting on a brave face?)

What do you think? I'm looking forward to all of them but my fave pro dancers are Artem, Pacha and Anton, so hopefully their celebrities will prove to be good dancers.
