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Saturday 28 September 2013

I Wanna Dance With Somebody! (Artem please!)

And we're off...Week One, Part One and first on the dance floor after Bruce's obligatory opening joke and Tess hefting her leg up for Bruce to grab (and not quite managing it because her dress is too tight/too long/too short!) are Ashley and Ola.
Ashley & Ola's scores
Craig 5, Darcey 6, Len 7, Bruno 7 = 25
Ola looked gorgeous, as always in an outfit that was barely there, and Ashley is not a bad looking chap (although he's not Artem (Phwoar)...or Pascha). They danced the Cha Cha Cha (including a short burst of Twerking) to One Direction's 'What Makes You Beautiful' and made quite a decent show of it. Mind you Ola rarely disappoints and all the couples have had three weeks to rehearse this first dance. The fun really starts next week when they only have a third of that time. The judges were reasonably kind although Len said it could have been crisper and Craig said that Ashley had stiff hips! Ashley has two reasons to be nervous at the moment...the dancing and the fact that his wife was due to give birth to their second child - yesterday!!

Next up were Tony & Aliona who danced a simple Waltz which suited Tony for his first outing. Craig however, verbally mauled the poor man, likening him in posture to the hunchback of Notre Dame and telling him his effort was riddled with errors and mistakes and bringing his first 'Disastrous' to the proceedings.  Len came to the rescue saying that Tony embodied the spirit of the show - people with no dance experience having a go. Personally, I think he probably plays golf better than he dances.

Tony & Aliona's scores
Craig 2, Darcey 5, Len 5, Bruno 4 = 16
Then we had Mark & Iveta with a rather wonderful Tango danced to 'Fernando's Hideaway'. Even though it had comedic overtures it was actually danced very well.  I think the judges were expecting something much worse. Len said that at first he was expecting it to be like a sneeze..... you know it's coming but there's nothing you can do about it. He went on to say he was shocked how good it was and that Mark had a good frame. Darcey was impressed saying it was brilliantly played and Mark was strong and masculine in hold. Me? I like it when the celebrities do better than everyone thinks they will.

Mark and Iveta's scores
Craig 5, Darcey 6, Len 7, Craig 6 = 24
The fourth couple to dance tonight were Breakfast presenter Susanna Reid and Kevin, one of this years new professionals. Their jive was extremely energetic and not bad at all for a first week dance. Susanna ended the dance with a cartwheel which as Craig put it went horribly wrong as she nearly fell over and I'm sure landing on high heeled shoes can't be good for your bones.  Apart from that all the judges were impressed, Len pulled out his first eight, Darcey came up with a Wow and Bruno said she had fantastic stage presence.

Susanna & Kevin's scores
Craig 6, Darcey 7, Len 8, Bruno 7 = 28
Sophie Ellis-Bextor was next dancing with Brendan Cole.  They did a lovely Waltz to the timeless classic Moon River and Bruno said she had an aura of sophistication. Craig put a dampner on the mood as only he can by disparaging Sophie's top line but Darcey thought she had flow, grace and elegance. The new and improved (nicer) version of Brendan said he was very proud of her and Sophie's Mother, TV Presenter Janet Ellis was shown crying in the audience. Bless!

Sophie & Brendan's scores
Craig 7, Darcey 7, Len 7, Bruno 7 = 28
Finally tonight we had Natalie & Artem (Phwoar!) with undoubtedly the best dance of the night, a rousing Cha Cha Cha danced to the Boney M classic 'Rasputin'.  Artem (Phwoar!) got his chest out for the first time this series and was dressed in a rather fetching Russian themed outfit.  Who cares what Natalie was wearing.... Sorry, I got distracted there for a moment. Is it hot in here....?  Bruno broke out some of his favourite words in his comments. Lascivious, sexy, sensuous (not sure if he meant Artem (Phwoar!) or Thingummy).... I think like me, Bruno will need a lie down after wearing out his Tivo box watching Artem (Phwoar!) and what's-her-name over and over and over.....

Natalie & Artem's (Phwoar!) scores
Craig 8, Darcey 8, Len 8, Bruno 7 = 31
So that's Week One, Part One. We had six couples tonight with the remaining nine tomorrow night. See you after the show for my reviews. Keeeeeeeep Dancing.


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