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Wednesday 11 September 2013

It's That Girl Again!

Oh dear, the fringe is longer but looks like it has been cut by putting a bowl over my head! This is me aged eleven I think, in my first long dress which was bought for a holiday at Pontins in Prestatyn, Wales. The dress is white with red flowers and a red bodice and I felt quite grown up in it.  The holiday camp we went to was the same one featured in 'Holiday On The Buses.' Even now whenever the film is on I'm transported back to that great time.

It was a great holiday, my friend Gillian came with us, and I remember a lot of trampolining in the playground and a lot of dancing in the ballroom.  There was so much to do - table tennis, arcade games, swimming, those racing events where you bet on numbered horses and then races are shown on a screen.  Happy days. My brother rode in the donkey derby (hmm.... must find a picture of that) and my baby sister was entered in the beautiful baby contest. Did she win? I can't remember...aaaah! Mum, did she win?

Anyway, that was one of my favourite holidays, although to be honest all our holidays were great, mostly proper seaside, bucket and spade ones or holiday camps so jam-packed full of activities there wasn't a boring moment. I think I'll have to re-visit this subject as more wonderful holidays are coming to mind. What's your favourite holiday memory?



  1. Very nice - and that is a truly impressive flower arrangement on top of the telly! Ahh, the days when tellies were wide enough to use for ornaments...

  2. I have the Donkey Derby photo somewhere I'll have to find it.

    That carpet looks a bit beer stained though...!!

  3. I can still put ornaments on top of my telly......
    .....and Sssssh about the carpet!!

  4. I can still put ornaments on top of my telly......
    .....and Sssssh about the carpet!!
