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Monday 2 September 2013

Did You Know.......?

.......The dot you put over your "i" is called a tittle.

.......Male students at Brigham Young University in the USA need a doctors note if they want to grow a beard.

.......The Vatican Bank is the only bank in the world where ATM users can perform transactions in Latin.

.......As part of David Hasselhoff's divorce settlement, he kept possession of the nickname "Hoff" and the catchphrase "Don't hassle the Hoff."

.......Coca-Cola was originally green.

.......When the computer mouse was invented, it was called the 'X-Y Position Indicator for a Display System.'

.......In 1939, Hitler's nephew wrote an article called 'Why I Hate My Uncle.'  He moved to the United States, served in the Navy, and settled on Long Island.

.......The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.

.......In the 1970's Mattel sold a doll called 'Growing Up Skipper.'  Her breasts grew when her arm was turned.

.......A duck's Quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.

.......The ozone layer smells faintly of geraniums.

.......One in ten European babies is conceived in an Ikea bed.

.......The dialling code for Russia is 007.

.......A snail can sleep for three years.

.......Pearls melt in vinegar.

.......'Ma is as selfless as I am' is the same read forwards and backwards, if you take away all the spaces.

.......111, 111, 111 x 111, 111, 111 = 12, 345, 678, 987, 654, 321

These little known facts were brought to you by the Fairy Elephant after a short tour of t'internet.


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