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Thursday 9 October 2014

Feng Shite ....

Some people (me) find it almost impossible to have a tidy house. I only have to enter a room to make it messy and my head seems to run on a different set of housekeeping rules to other more organised folk. For example, I know a tat free environment is better for stress levels but somehow I end up with structurally challenged piles of stuff that I might one day either throw away or use to build other piles of structurally challenged stuff in other rooms!

The Rules

NB.  Not all of the following rules are adhered to in my house, some are purely for comic effect.

1)  Empty loo rolls eventually make their own way to the bin if you leave them on the floor for long enough.

2)  Cupboards are not for storing things, they are for hiding things.

3)  Found a spare screw? Keep it, who knows when the world screw shortage will begin.

4)  Ditto buttons, string, and elastic bands.

5)  Don't bother donating all your unwanted stuff to charity, when you're dead your relatives will do it for you.

6)  Upon entering the house put your keys down somewhere where you will be unable to locate them next time you are going out.

7)  It's time to clean out the fridge when something closes it from the inside.

8)  Hoovering too often weakens the carpet fibres. (Say this with a straight face).

9)  Layers of dirt on the windows create a barrier for the harmful rays of the sun. Just call it an SPF factor of ten and leave them alone.

10) It's easier to buy more mugs and spoons than to wash up.

11) Paper plates are a marvelous invention.

12) If you need more space to hang up clothes, buy bigger door knobs.

                                                                                         Tracey x

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