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Tuesday 7 October 2014

Shake Your Groove Thing !

Strictly Come Dancing, Week 2'll be Christmas before we know it. Aaagh! All fifteen couples danced on the same night for the first time this series in a marathon session that one's bladder wasn't too happy about. Fortunately the advances in televisual whatnots have progressed to the point where one can pause, wee and continue. Sorry, is that too much information?

So, dancing shoes on? Ok, let's go. First to dance this week.... Thom and Iveta. I do like Iveta...she always seems so fresh and fluffy, like she's just come out of the tumble dryer and she's blummin' gorgeous. They did a sexy Salsa and Len said Thom was "Popping like buttons on a tight shirt". They scored 25 points from the judges to add to last weeks score of 23.

Thom and Iveta dancing to 'Hot Hot Hot'

Jennifer and Tristan were up next and after a disappointing Jive in Week 1, I had my fingers crossed for a better performance as I don't want to see them leave just yet. The Waltz was much more suitable for Jenny and she certainly looked pretty in pink. They managed 19 points which was one point more than last week, which is at least going in the right direction.

Jenny and Tristan dancing to 'You make me feel like a Natural Woman'

During the week I read somewhere that Kristina has been banned from dancing with married men amid claims that she is irresistible to the opposite sex. Simon Webbe is single so if he cannot resist her charms at least there will be no broken hearts along the way! I have always thought that Kristina (fantastic as she is) is often a little frenetic and it's sometimes difficult to stop looking at her and concentrate on her celebrity partner. They danced a Tango this week, which received 26 points to add to last weeks 27. Think they are going to end up somewhere in the middle of the pack which can either be good or bad depending on his fan base.

Simon and Kristina dancing to 'Sing'

Three down, twelve to go and Oh dear, it's Gregg and Aliona with a Charleston. He seemed less nervous but he still wasn't very good. Len said "You dance, like I cook....chuck it all in and hope for the best". There were a lot of props which is never a sign of a confident professional, (I think Aliona probably knows her days are numbered) so I wouldn't be surprised to see him in the dance off. They scored 18 points, the same as last week.

Gregg and Aliona dancing to 'Hey Good Looking'

Adorable Alison and Astounding Aljaz had the Foxtrot this week and I really liked it. That girl has amazing attitude oozing from her pores and Darcy told her "You're a joy to watch, I'm never gonna get bored of you". And as for Aljaz...well I don't know how Alison keeps her hands off him. (Maybe she doesn't!). A respectable score of 22 was added to last weeks 26.

Alison and Aljaz dancing to 'I Just Wanna Make Love to You'

Now then.... this next couple did a sizzlin' Salsa which even had two of the judges on their feet. Darcy could not keep the look of amazement off her face towards the end when Jake and Janette performed some very tricky moves. The only possible problem I can see looming for Jake in this competition is that he might peak too soon. I hope not because he is brilliant. They got three 9's and an 8 for a score of 35 to add to the 28 they got last week.

Jake and Janette dancing to 'Mambo No.5'

It would seem that poor Anton, once again, has been landed with a duffer. His and Judy's Cha Cha Cha had more tennis moves than dance moves and Judy looked about as comfortable as a fly in a spider's nest! It was actually a bit cringeworthy and I could feel myself getting a bit embarrassed on her behalf. I just hope she didn't feel as out of her depth as she looked. And with a score of 17 to add to last weeks 18 she could be serving in the first dance off. Just as a side note... I don't think I've ever seen Anton looking quite so dishevelled!

Judy and Anton dancing to 'She's a Lady'

Back to some proper dancing with Caroline and Pasha and a rather tasty Tango. The wardrobe department seem to be quite keen on Miss Flack as this is the second stunner of a dress they have given her. Has she not been given enough? She did get Pasha! Darcy said this was a "Fierce performance" and Bruno said it was "Full of gutsy physicality". They scored 29 points to add to last weeks 27.

Caroline and Pasha dancing to 'Blame it on the Night'

Just seven more to go folks and it's Tim and Natalie next. This is more like it for Tim.... a Waltz, which I have to say was a vast improvement on last weeks performance. I think older gentleman are much more suited to the ballroom dances. Not sure he should be chucking himself around the dancefloor like a lunatic for the latin numbers. His improvement was shown in a score of 23, five points better than last weeks 18.

Tim and Natalie dancing to 'When You Wish Upon a Star'

Sunetra and Brendan did a Cheeky Cha Cha Cha and Sunetra looked stunning with wavy hair and a fringed frock. Craig told her "You have a natural all round feel for this dance". Praise indeed from the frosty one. They scored a well earned 26 points to go with last weeks 24. Brendan is probably still holding out hope of being champion again, and with Sunetra....he could get pretty close.

Sunetra and Brendan dancing to 'Million Dollar Bill'

Mark and Karen are the first couple in this series to tackle the American Smooth and Mark made a very decent job of it. He did cause a bit of a row among the judges about his arms..... it's funny when they argue. They got a better score than last week, 27 points to add to 24, to become another couple riding the middle of the pack. I love the American Smooth and am looking forward to the other couples performing it as the series progresses. 

Mark and Karen dancing to 'I'm Yours'

Scott and Joanne were next with the Tango, and it's a shame but Scott is just really bad. Not everybody can be good at everything and as one of the judges pointed out, his dancing is more suited to radio. He was trying to do a Tango face but it just looked like a silly pout. I wouldn't want to hurt his feelings but unless he improves drastically next week....if indeed he makes it to next week...then he probably won't be here for much longer. Also a tip for Scott would be that smiling during the Tango is a bit of a no no! 20 points for this to add to last weeks 16.

Scott and Joanne dancing to 'Stop'

Pop Princess Pixie and new guy Trent did a delightful Waltz. It is a very pretty dance and Pixie looked quite ethereal, floating around the dance floor. She has a pretty impressive high kick too, which I'm sure will come in handy for some of the other dances. They equaled Jake and Janette's score of 35 putting them second on the fortnights leaderboard. My only criticism (and really, who am I to talk) was her slightly messy hairdo!

Pixie and Trent dancing to 'Come Away With Me'

And so we come to our penultimate couple of the evening, Steve and Ola who danced the Cha Cha Cha. The judges, particularly Craig who said "It was like being in some terrible disco in Soho", didn't seem quite as impressed as last week and he only received a score of 21 to go with last times 26. I'm not particularly keen on the Cha Cha Cha, it doesn't seem to show anyone off in their best light. Quick question...does the wardrobe department always get to Ola's dress last....when they've run out of everything but ribbons?

Steve and Ola dancing to 'Treasure'

Last but certainly not least came Frankie and Kevin with a rock and roll themed Charleston which although slightly unusual (according to the judges) was high effective and very enjoyable. I can't see them ending up in the bottom two anytime soon.

Frankie and Kevin dancing to 'Happy Days'

There we have it, Week 2 dances done and dusted and my predictions for the dance off are, perm any two from Gregg, Judy, Jenny and Scott. 


The Dance Off was between Jennifer & Tristan and Gregg & Aliona. Both couples made improvements in their second attempt at their dances, but the judges voted unanimously to save Jenny & Tristan.
So, it's bye bye Gregg. I don't think he was surprised...disappointed but not surprised.

Strictly Come Dancing

                                                                                                      Tracey x


  1. Yes, I thought they all sung brilliantly....oh wait, wrong channel again ;-)

    1. Thankyou for reading/pretending to read (delete as appropriate!) ;) Hee! hee!
