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Wednesday 1 October 2014

Missing Artem Chigvintsev ?

Artem was one of my favourite professional dancers on Strictly Come Dancing.... and YES, I am missing him. However....all is not lost, as adorable Artem is on this season of America's Dancing with the Stars. His partner for Series 19 (they do it twice a year over there) is Lea Thompson who played Marty McFly's Mum in the Back to the Future Films. Below is their Week 3 (Movie Night) dance. Their movie of choice? Why, none other than Back to the Future of course.

Week 3, Cha Cha Cha

In Week 2 they did a Jive

....and in Week 1 they did a Foxtrot

They used to show Dancing with the Stars on one of my cable channels...but not any more. First, they moved it to a channel I didn't have and now I don't think it's on at all over here. Boo! Hiss!
But never mind, the t'internet's a marvelous gadget.

                                                                                              Tracey x

1 comment:

  1. Very good. I really enjoyed Boot Camp...oh wait, wrong channel.
