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Wednesday 4 July 2012

Who Do I Complain To?

I'm exasperated!  Yes, I like that word...exasperated.  One of my favourite series of novels is by the author Lee Child and is about an ex Military Policeman called Jack Reacher.  Since leaving the Military, Jack has drifted around the USA seeing the country through the eyes of a civilian and bumping into problems here and there.  He is blonde, blue-eyed, six foot five inches tall and built like a brick... er outhouse.  So who do they get to play him in a film? 
Tom Cruise........

Yes, that's right, teeny tiny Tom Cruise.  Dark hair, five feet seven and most certainly not built like a brick outhouse.  I'm outraged.  Ooo! That's better than exasperated. Who casts these films?  Do they even read the books?  Why has Lee Child allowed it? This is nearly as bad as Morgan Freeman being cast as James Patterson's Alex Cross in 1997.  Alex is a huuuge huuuuge man, thirty something years old with young children and a Grandmother still fit enough to look after his kids.  Morgan Freeman, although a very good actor was sixty years old in 1997 and certainly nothing like I had ever imagined the character of Alex Cross.

However, it would appear in the case of Alex Cross that the powers that be have at last seen sense and have recast the part for future films, the first one of which is called 'Alex Cross' and will be released in November of this year.

When I was researching this post (does that make me sound like a real writer?) I discovered that the role was originally going to be taken over by Idris Elba (below) who played Luthor in the British mini series of the same name, but things have apparently changed and they have gone with Tylor Perry (above) instead.

This seems like a much better choice than Morgan Freeman who is after all now seventy-five (not that there is anything wrong with being seventy-five of course) and also means I'm more likely to watch future films in the Cross genre.... I refused point blank to watch the first two.  I will not, however, be watching the new Jack Reacher film!

1 comment:

  1. Oooooo listen to you !

    I expect they put famous names into the main lead roles Tracey, because being famous, they will draw in more of an audience, therefore more lolly!

    I loved the chap who played Luther. Dont see him in anything at the moment. Perhaps he is resting :-)

    Dizzy Di
