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Tuesday 26 November 2013


I think this family pet might be just a little bit too big for me! Putting it on a lead isn't going to make any difference either...that thing's gonna go wherever the heck it pleases! I wonder if it's called Tiny... (Groan!)

Saturday 23 November 2013

How Old?

It's my birthday, and Doctor Who's birthday too....
So, here's a song for me....

Happy Birthday to Me,
Happy Birthday to Me.
Happy Birthday dear er...Me-eee!
Happy Birthday tooo Mee!

...and one for Doctor Who...

Happy Birthday to Who, 
Happy Birthday to Who.
Happy Birthday dear Doctor!
Happy Birthday tooo Whoo!

Look at that little cutie...what went wrong?

I've still got that Teddy Bear.

Chubby Chops!

Thursday 21 November 2013

Words Of Wisdom

"People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing everyday."
- A.A. Milne

"Drinking your milk and talking at the same time may result in your having to be patted on the back and dried for quite a long time afterwords."
- A.A. Milne

"If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear."
- A.A. Milne

"When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seems very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it."
A.A. Milne

Wednesday 20 November 2013

There's A Famous Seaside Place Called Blackpool, That's Noted For Fresh Air And Fun.....

I have danced in this hallowed ballroom.... oh, all right then, I've walked across the dance floor. You're so picky! My Mum & Dad have danced here though. In 2010 we went to stay in St. Anne's for the weekend to celebrate Mum & Dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary. We stayed in a lovely hotel and we ate, drank and made merry. On their actual Anniversary, we had a day out in Blackpool and up the tower we went. The beautiful ballroom was quite busy with tea dancers, some of whom were taking it very seriously. I'm sure I took photo's of Ma & Pa dancing but I haven't found them yet. (Sorry!) I'll keep looking.

The week they all want to make it to, kicked off with a dance that included children and other ordinary folk taking to the dance floor along with professionals, judges and celebrities. Several of the female celebs were dressed as giant flower petals for some unknown reason. Hmmmm! It was great seeing the children dancing, they looked so professional.

And so to the competition......

Sophie & Brendan - Quickstep - 34 points
Sophie's dress (although lovely) was very plain by Strictly standards but this was a lovely dance and it was nice to see her with her hair loose as it seemed to soften her features. Sophie is a gorgeous girl but when she has an up do, her face can seem quite angular. Brendan's choreography was top notch as always and Sophie looked like she was enjoying this dance.

Patrick & Anya - Samba - 35 points
Patrick is still irritating me, but now he's irritating me for a different reason. At first I didn't warm to him because I didn't think he was as good as he and the judges thought.... and now that he's improved, he seems to have gone all cocky with it. However, this was a good dance for him and went well apart from a hideous wardrobe malfunction that took Anya several hops to get her shoe out of her feathery bits!

Ben & Kristina - American Smooth - 32 points
Is anyone else getting fed up of Kristina's constant insistence that Ben is working sooo hard, as if no one else is? Ben is getting better week by week but Kristina is such a whirling dervish that her dance partners could stand completely still for the allotted time and we would probably think they had been dancing up a storm. Don't get me wrong, I love Kristina and I really wish they would give her a celebrity she could lift the trophy with, but I'm not sure it's going to happen this year.

Ashley & Ola - Paso Doble - 35 points
I thoroughly enjoyed this 'Carry On Cowboy' themed Paso Doble, but should there not have been bulls and matadors. I'm getting confused.... Ashley came across very macho and when there were two other male dancers with him, you'd have been hard pressed to pick him out as the 'non dancer'. The judges seem to think Patrick is the best male celeb, but I think Ashley is better.

Fiona & Anton - American Smooth - 29 points
I'm afraid this American Smooth was a little bit American 'rough around the edges' and I'm not sure it was good enough to keep her out of the bottom two. Anton looked rather suave in his uniform and Fiona's frock was delightful. Over all the dance was good and enjoyable, it's just that others are better now.

Abbey & Aljaz - Quickstep - 37 points
Er...not sure about the giant bucket and spade, slightly superfluous to requirements. The cardboard cut-outs and the deckchairs were the right size so why the giant bucket? This Quickstep did what it said on the was quick and had a lot of steps, but even I could see there was too much gapping for most of the dance and really Abbey should be better by now given that she started the competition so well.

Mark & Iveta - Jive - 29 points
Once again a fabulously enjoyable routine from Mark and Iveta. The Hairspray theme was perfect for the jive and the giant hairdryer didn't seem quite as intrusive as the giant bucket and spade in Abbey's dance! It's easy to see how much Mark is enjoying himself and Iveta is fast becoming my favourite female professional dancer. They seem to have such a good relationship. I hope they stay in, but not at the expense of one of the better couples.

Susanna & Kevin - Paso Doble - 39 points (Woo! Hoo!) 
Highest score of the series so far
Absolutely bloody marvellous. Loved it, loved it, loved it. They are still very much my favourites. Kevin is brilliant and seems to tailor the dances to Susanna perfectly. They have a good combination of taking the whole thing seriously and having a bloody good time. This is the second week in a row that Susanna has performed the stand out dance for me and I really want to see them in the final. In fact...I want them to win.

Natalie & er.... Artem was there, honest! - Charleston - 
39 points (joint highest score of the series)
Slightly disappointed in this but can't quite put my finger on why and I didn't like the wig at all. Natalie so suits her naturally wild hair that it was disconcerting to see her without it, made her face look a bit odd. This was the highest scoring Charleston of the series so far, but I don't think it was anywhere near as good as Sophie's, so for me it was over marked I'm afraid.

Can't have a Strictly post without a pic of Artem!

The results show opened with a brilliant pro/celeb group dance and was an excuse for Tess and Claudia to wear 'Kiss Me Quick' hats with Claudia armed with the obligatory stick of rock. As far as Tess's dresses go - I give up. Tonight's effort was awful. Sorry Tess, but you need to sack your dresser.

I thought this might happen. Mark & Iveta and Fiona & Anton in the bottom two. Craig opted to save Fiona, but then Darcey and Bruno saved Mark, which left Len, as head judge, with the deciding vote ....and he chose to save Mark & Iveta. So there you have's goodbye to Fiona & Anton. Fiona had a good run considering she wasn't as good as some of the other female celebs and it was nice for Anton to get someone who could actually dance this year.


Sunday 17 November 2013

Woo! Hoo!

As I've already told you, it's my birthday on the 23rd of this month and I share it with Doctor Who. Who? Yes, that's right, Doctor Who. I was planning a quiet night in watching my two favourite shows, Strictly Come Dancing and Doctor Who... perhaps with some nibbles to hand and a teeny tiny forbidden bar of birthday chocolate as a special treat.

         (Drum Roll)
                  I got......
                         (Drum Roll)
                                    an early......
                                                (Drum Roll)
                                                        Birthday prezzie.....
                                                                                  (Drum Roll)
from my sister......                                                                                                     Tricia.....


First I saw this....

.....Then I saw this....

....Then I saw this....

Then I did this.....

Thank you very much Tricia, I can't wait...and it's in 3D, I might end up with David Tennant sat on my lap! 
Note to self: Remember to set the Tivo to record Strictly.


Friday 15 November 2013

Is All This Fuss For Me?

I'm going to have to phone the BBC and tell them I was fifty last year..... because for some reason they've started advertising my birthday this year as if it's something special.  They're also calling it 'The Day of The Doctor'. Do they know something I don't? I have no particular plans to be sick on my birthday (no sicker than I usually am anyway) so it's all a bit odd. See, look....that's my birthday. Hang on, the phone's ringing...

Ah! So apparently, the 23rd November is actually the 50th anniversary of the very first episode of Doctor Who and a rather large fuss is being made. I don't remember watching the original episode as it was my first birthday and I was probably otherwise engaged with cake and prezzies! (or carnation milk and rusks). Of course if I'd known, I would have insisted that my playpen was positioned in front of the television for the momentous occasion.

It would be many years before these two beauties below (arguably the best and most handsome of the eleven Doctors so far) came along and I must confess that although I am now one of the shows biggest fans, I did stop watching sometime during or shortly after the Tom Baker era. Er...sorry about that! I hope I don't get penalised..... maybe I should have kept that little bit of info to myself.

Matt Smith and David Tennant
However, I was front and centre for the re-incarnation in 2005 starring Christopher Eccleston as The Doctor with Billie Piper as his companion Rose Tyler. 

Mr Eccleston only stayed for one series (didn't want to get typecast) and along came the wonderful David Tennant who managed to go through three whole companions during his tenure with only the last one not falling madly in love with him. Obviously secure enough in his acting abilities not to worry too much about typecasting, he stayed for multiple series before passing the baton to Matt Smith.

David Tennant and Billie Piper (Rose Tyler)
David Tennant and Freema Agyeman (Martha Jones)
David Tennant and Catherine Tate (Donna Noble)
I have to say I wasn't looking forward to the new incarnation as I was a true Tardis-blue Tennant girl by then, but I kept an open mind and Smith has done a remarkable job with some cracking story lines. David Tennant may be my favourite Doctor but Amy Pond and Rory Williams were my favourite companions.

Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams) and Karen Gillan (Amelia Pond)
Ooo! And let's not forget the glorious River Song and the delicious Captain Jack Harkness

Alex Kingston (Professor River Song)
John Barrowman (Captain Jack Harkness)
....and the scariest monster? Well that's a toss up between The Weeping Angels and The Silence. For some reason I don't find the Daleks and the Cybermen particularly terrifying any more...although I wouldn't be too happy if they turned up on my doorstep!

Weeping Angel
The Silence
I could quite happily watch an episode of Doctor Who every day, and sometimes you can, with the amount of repeats on BBC 3, but what happened to Torchwood? Why do they never repeat Torchwood? (But that's another story).

I don't think I can pick out a favourite episode of Doctor Who but some that stand out are 'The Girl in the Fireplace', 'Father's Day', 'Love & Monsters', 'The Shakespeare Code', 'Human Nature/The Family of Blood', 'Blink' 'Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead', 'Vincent and The Doctor', 'The Lodger', 'The Doctor's Wife', 'Let's Kill Hitler', 'The Power of Three'...and these are just the single or double episodes. never mind the longer stories. This is silly... I love them all.....don't make me pick a favourite. I couldn't possibly have less than five or six or ten episodes sharing the top spot.

We're getting a new Doctor soon, Matt Smith is bowing out and Peter Capaldi is taking over. At fifty-five he is the oldest actor to play the role in the modern era, although he is the same age as William Hartnell was when he took on the role in 1963. I'm not convinced about the choice but - I wasn't convinced about Tennant taking over from Eccleston, and I wasn't convinced about Smith taking over from Tennant. Soooo, best if I keep an open mind I think.

Twelfth Doctor - Peter Capaldi
Back to me now..... so it's my birthday next Saturday and I'd like a very special Doctor Who episode just for me please. Oh, and can you make sure my two favourite Doctors are in it? Thanks. While you're at it you might as well show it at selected cinema's around the country so everyone can celebrate my birthday.

Just before I go, look what I found on you tube... new and never been shown before........
The Night of The Doctor: A mini episode: Doctor Who: The Day of The Doctor. Ooo, it's exciting, can't wait for Saturday's episode.


Thursday 14 November 2013

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Oh Susanna......

....... and Kevin from Grimsby, I've decided - you're definitely my favourites. Your Waltz was sublime and should have scored 10's. This couple delivers exactly what Strictly is about, every week. This particular dance brought a tear to my eye....the joy on Susanna's face is catching.

So, what about the rest I hear you ask. There was no Brucie this week and no Natalie & Artem. The poor girl was taken ill during rehearsals and was advised not to dance, so according to the rules she gets a buy through to next week, but if she's not fit then....she's out! Aaaagh! So let's get on with proceedings.

Ben & Kristina - Jive - 26 points
"I don't know why, but I have this irresistible urge to join the Navy." - Bruno
"Anchors away." - Len

Fiona & Anton - Paso Doble - 26 points
"A little bit vanilla." - Craig
"Plenty of wafting, which I enjoyed." - Len

Abbey & Aljaz - Charleston - 36 points
"I just love the gorgeously mad side of Abbey." - Darcey
"I'll see you next week in Blackpool." - Len

Mark & Iveta - Rhumba - 23 points
"You've got gold in your fingers, but you had a bit of lead in your bum." - Len
"You tried Goldfinger, it ended up a fish finger darling." - Bruno

Susanna & Kevin - Waltz - 36 points
"You brought that frock to life darling" - Craig
"You spun everybody into heaven with you on this one my darling, it was beautiful." - Bruno
"My favourite dance of the night." - Tracey

Dave & Karen - Tango - 20 points
"This is definitely one of your better dances." - Darcey
"you're unforgettable, unpredictable and for me you're unmissable." - Len

Ashley & Ola - Quickstep - 35 points
"Ashley Taylor-Dawson, that was 'Taylor' made." - Len
"You were spinning around like two dragonflies in a dance of courtship." - Bruno

Sophie & Brendan - Argentine Tango - 32 points
"Brendan, hold my gaze, fantastic choreography." - Len
"Just needs a bit more strength and variety in the characterisation." - Bruno

Patrick & Anya - American Smooth - 37 points
"That was pure Hollywood." - Bruno
"Darling, that was exquisite, it was exciting. You are the best male celebrity in this competition." - Craig


It had to happen at some point..... Dave & Karen v Mark & Iveta in the bottom two. Boo! Hoo!
Of course , we know that both of these male celebrities are not the best dancers but purely in entertainment terms they have been a joy, with professional partners who have worked incredibly hard with them and all four seemed to have loved every minute of the experience.
Both Mark and Dave seemed to perform their dances better the second time around but sadly we had to say goodbye to Dave & Karen.

Next's Blackpool Baby!
