My Blog List

Sunday 17 November 2013

Woo! Hoo!

As I've already told you, it's my birthday on the 23rd of this month and I share it with Doctor Who. Who? Yes, that's right, Doctor Who. I was planning a quiet night in watching my two favourite shows, Strictly Come Dancing and Doctor Who... perhaps with some nibbles to hand and a teeny tiny forbidden bar of birthday chocolate as a special treat.

         (Drum Roll)
                  I got......
                         (Drum Roll)
                                    an early......
                                                (Drum Roll)
                                                        Birthday prezzie.....
                                                                                  (Drum Roll)
from my sister......                                                                                                     Tricia.....


First I saw this....

.....Then I saw this....

....Then I saw this....

Then I did this.....

Thank you very much Tricia, I can't wait...and it's in 3D, I might end up with David Tennant sat on my lap! 
Note to self: Remember to set the Tivo to record Strictly.


1 comment:

  1. You're very welcome! I am looking forward to it too xx
