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Friday 8 November 2013

If I Had a Doggy

If I had a doggy...... what kind of doggy would I have? I think I'd prefer a small doggy, Something cuddly, not a baldy one, or a big one or a slavvery one (Yuck!) ......
....... Something more like a Cockapoo,

....Or a Schnoodle,

....Or a Cavapoo,

....Or a Yorkipoo.

And if I had a doggy...... what would I name my doggy? Ooo, this is a hard one, so many names.... I suppose it's a bit like naming a child, once you've picked one you're stuck with it! (The name, not the child). Here are some names I would consider.

Elvis, Boo, Charlie, Daphne, Eeyore, Cornelious, Horatio, Cagney, Tilly, Fudge, Atticus, Renko, Tabitha. Between you and me I think Boo might be my favourite.

And if I had a doggy.....would I dress it up? When you look at these little cuties it isn't half tempting

Too much? Maybe just a winter coat or a jumper then, for our lovely British weather. So, there you imaginary doggy is probably a Cockapoo called Boo who's dressed in a lovely knitted pullover, doesn't like really long walks but does like snuggling!


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