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Tuesday 5 November 2013

Bunfight Night!

Yay! It's Bunfight Night...when kids all over the country throw buns at each other after spending all day baking. There are lots of different kinds of buns, big buns, little buns, flying buns, spinning buns and so many pretty colours and flavours. Just a mo, the phone's ringing.....

Erm... well, apparently it's not Bunfight Night at all, it's Bonfire Night! A night of fires and exploding flying things whizzing all over the place. Although looking at the weather it might turn out to be a bit of a damp squib this year and folk might have to resort to a Bunfight after all.

"Me no likey the fireworks!"
The odd thing is that Bonfire Night doesn't really mark the anniversary of something that actually happened, but of something that failed. In 1605, Guy Fawkes along with a group of co- conspirators intended to blow up the Houses of Parliament with King James I and his government inside at the time. To this end, they put 36 barrels of gunpowder in the cellars in order to cause a massive explosion. Unfortunately one of Guy's gang sent a letter to a friend who worked in Parliament telling him to stay away on the 5th of November and this letter was intercepted. The plot was rumbled! The plotters were caught, arrested, tortured and executed.

The morale of the story? It's probably better to throw buns than to throw gunpowder! So, whether you're lighting a bonfire, lighting fireworks, or lighting the oven to bake a batch of buns, have a happy November the 5th. 


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