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Friday 15 November 2013

Is All This Fuss For Me?

I'm going to have to phone the BBC and tell them I was fifty last year..... because for some reason they've started advertising my birthday this year as if it's something special.  They're also calling it 'The Day of The Doctor'. Do they know something I don't? I have no particular plans to be sick on my birthday (no sicker than I usually am anyway) so it's all a bit odd. See, look....that's my birthday. Hang on, the phone's ringing...

Ah! So apparently, the 23rd November is actually the 50th anniversary of the very first episode of Doctor Who and a rather large fuss is being made. I don't remember watching the original episode as it was my first birthday and I was probably otherwise engaged with cake and prezzies! (or carnation milk and rusks). Of course if I'd known, I would have insisted that my playpen was positioned in front of the television for the momentous occasion.

It would be many years before these two beauties below (arguably the best and most handsome of the eleven Doctors so far) came along and I must confess that although I am now one of the shows biggest fans, I did stop watching sometime during or shortly after the Tom Baker era. Er...sorry about that! I hope I don't get penalised..... maybe I should have kept that little bit of info to myself.

Matt Smith and David Tennant
However, I was front and centre for the re-incarnation in 2005 starring Christopher Eccleston as The Doctor with Billie Piper as his companion Rose Tyler. 

Mr Eccleston only stayed for one series (didn't want to get typecast) and along came the wonderful David Tennant who managed to go through three whole companions during his tenure with only the last one not falling madly in love with him. Obviously secure enough in his acting abilities not to worry too much about typecasting, he stayed for multiple series before passing the baton to Matt Smith.

David Tennant and Billie Piper (Rose Tyler)
David Tennant and Freema Agyeman (Martha Jones)
David Tennant and Catherine Tate (Donna Noble)
I have to say I wasn't looking forward to the new incarnation as I was a true Tardis-blue Tennant girl by then, but I kept an open mind and Smith has done a remarkable job with some cracking story lines. David Tennant may be my favourite Doctor but Amy Pond and Rory Williams were my favourite companions.

Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams) and Karen Gillan (Amelia Pond)
Ooo! And let's not forget the glorious River Song and the delicious Captain Jack Harkness

Alex Kingston (Professor River Song)
John Barrowman (Captain Jack Harkness)
....and the scariest monster? Well that's a toss up between The Weeping Angels and The Silence. For some reason I don't find the Daleks and the Cybermen particularly terrifying any more...although I wouldn't be too happy if they turned up on my doorstep!

Weeping Angel
The Silence
I could quite happily watch an episode of Doctor Who every day, and sometimes you can, with the amount of repeats on BBC 3, but what happened to Torchwood? Why do they never repeat Torchwood? (But that's another story).

I don't think I can pick out a favourite episode of Doctor Who but some that stand out are 'The Girl in the Fireplace', 'Father's Day', 'Love & Monsters', 'The Shakespeare Code', 'Human Nature/The Family of Blood', 'Blink' 'Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead', 'Vincent and The Doctor', 'The Lodger', 'The Doctor's Wife', 'Let's Kill Hitler', 'The Power of Three'...and these are just the single or double episodes. never mind the longer stories. This is silly... I love them all.....don't make me pick a favourite. I couldn't possibly have less than five or six or ten episodes sharing the top spot.

We're getting a new Doctor soon, Matt Smith is bowing out and Peter Capaldi is taking over. At fifty-five he is the oldest actor to play the role in the modern era, although he is the same age as William Hartnell was when he took on the role in 1963. I'm not convinced about the choice but - I wasn't convinced about Tennant taking over from Eccleston, and I wasn't convinced about Smith taking over from Tennant. Soooo, best if I keep an open mind I think.

Twelfth Doctor - Peter Capaldi
Back to me now..... so it's my birthday next Saturday and I'd like a very special Doctor Who episode just for me please. Oh, and can you make sure my two favourite Doctors are in it? Thanks. While you're at it you might as well show it at selected cinema's around the country so everyone can celebrate my birthday.

Just before I go, look what I found on you tube... new and never been shown before........
The Night of The Doctor: A mini episode: Doctor Who: The Day of The Doctor. Ooo, it's exciting, can't wait for Saturday's episode.


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