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Monday 2 December 2013

The Food Ain't Bad, But The Service Is Terrible!

After several days of mouse hunting with proper traps this time... I had a total of twelve of the little buggers caught and despatched as of last night. Don't recoil in horror please.... I don't think all twelve have been wandering round the house at the same time - I've found a hole in the vestibule floor where it would appear they are entering from. Thursday was the first day of the venture...and I had caught three before I went to bed. By Friday morning I had enough to replace the dwarfs in Snow White (that would have given her a shock!).

It was at this point after using two of the traps pictured below and two old fashioned wooden traps that I decided to get two more of the Big Cheese traps and not bother with the wooden ones.

You see the wooden ones are a bit gruesome and bloody, they nearly take the meeces heads off and you can see their little faces frozen in an accusing look. Whereas the Big Cheese ones manage to dispose of them without shedding any blood or guts (always a plus I find). So by Saturday morning I was up to twelve and a mouse free day yesterday was quite encouraging. I thought I'd cracked it.......

However, I came down this morning to find two traps undisturbed, one snapped and empty and one!! Aaaagh! Yes, I said MISSING. What the f***! It would seem therefore, that some poor little mouse has been staggering round with it's head in a trap, looking a bit like Monica out of Friends with the turkey on her head!

Don't feel sorry for it, I've been trying to catch them alive and let them go for ages, but they just chew their way out of the humane traps. Anyway, I was a bit bleary eyed when I first came down and discovered the missing trap, and a little glance around didn't locate it, so I made a brew and went back to bed to worry about it for a while. I'm sure you'll be pleased to learn that it has turned up, complete with dead mouse (it was just down the side of the fridge). So there you have it, I'm now up to thirteen and wondering what number you have to get to before you call in Rent-O-Kill.

One more thing....I fully expect this will be the next step in the mouse fightback. I will keep you posted.
