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Thursday 19 December 2013

White Christmas?

When I see pictures like these, I almost wish it would snow. I said almost, because of course, the reality in this country is somewhat different. It will look this good for approximately twenty minutes and then....the chaos begins. The roads and paths get all mushy, slushy and dirty or compacted and slippery, and clumsy people like me go flying or skidding all over the place. Cars end up in ditches, trains grind to a halt, planes are grounded and a general sense of panic sets in....

....Now let's see what it will really look like.
Somehow we just never seem to be fully prepared....

..... Apart from this little boy. He seems to know what he's doing....

....Ideally, it would snow on Christmas Day, after everyone has got where they are going and then the snow would magically disappear at about 6 pm. Hmmm, what do you think the chances of that happening are?


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