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Saturday 12 July 2014

Are You Feeling Sleepy?

I think I may have previously mentioned my propensity for taking unexpected afternoon naps! 
(and morning naps... and evening naps!)
So my lovely Mum made me this beautiful card.
I love it.
Thanks Mum.

My Dad also falls asleep at the drop of a hat....I probably caught it from him!
So, she made him one too.

Both my Mum and my Sister make beautiful cards. I keep trying to persuade Mum to do her own blog to show off her work. But so far, no luck.

Fun Fact of the Day

Bubble wrap was originally designed to be used as wallpaper.

Marc Chavannes and Alfred Fielding were engineers who were working on a new type of textured wallpaper in 1957. They sealed two shower curtains together trapping a layer of bubbles. Although in the end it didn't work as wallpaper, Chavannes had a eureka moment when he was on a flight and for a moment it seemed to him as though his plan's descent was being cushioned by the clouds and the 
'bubbly wallpaper' became bubble wrap.

Picture of the Day

Nap time!