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Sunday 20 July 2014

Man On The Moon

Forty-five years ago today (20th July 1969) Neil Armstrong took one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind as he descended from Apollo 11's Lunar Module. Together with Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins he made history on the first manned trip to the moon. As I was only six and a half years old at the time, I'm afraid I don't personally remember any of this but I can imagine what an awesome event it must have been.

Fact of the Day

Buzz Aldrin was the first man to have a wee on the moon!!

Fact of the Day (2)

When they returned to the module Buzz Aldrin accidentally broke the switch for the ascent engines...Uh Oh! However they managed to get going with the help of a ball point pen....Phew!

Fact of the Day (3)

The cost of this mission was said to be $25.4 billion, which in today's money would be about $150 billion, (£93 billion) that's a lot of Marks & Spencer's Cheese & Ham toasties...

Picture of the Day


1 comment:

  1. Amazing! I bet mum could fit £93 billion £'s worth of M&S cheese toasties in her freezer though.
