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Wednesday 23 July 2014

Life's A Beach

I love beaches. Not sunbathing...can't be doing with that. Just beaches. The sea, the smell, the sound of the waves and the birds and preferably with a cool breeze and a comfy seat. Bliss! It is the only place I have ever felt truly relaxed. (Mentally relaxed...before you all jump in with "waddya're always relaxed, you never do anything.")

10 best beaches in Britain

Sitting on this wall would be a perfect example. Living in one of those houses would be heaven.
I cannot stress this idea of paradise would be looking at that view every single day.
This beach is Slapton Sands in Devon by the way. I haven't been there....but I have been here....

This is Fistral Beach in Newquay, Cornwall where we went on a family holiday when I was a teenager. Look at us...Oh my, look how thin we all are. I don't know who took this picture, but I'm glad none of us was any taller!

Sorry about the quality of these......they are photos of copies of photos.

We also lived by the seaside for a while in Southport. My Mum and my Sister were both born there and Mum lived there until she was twelve. I lived there from ages five to twelve when we came back to Blackburn.

Southport Beach on a calm day...............

............Southport Beach on a not so calm day!

There will be more to come about Southport, but for now I just wanted to share my love of beaches.

Picture of the Day

Fact of the Day

In 1934, King George V had 1,500 tons of sand barged up the Thames to London from Essex. It was dumped onto a mud flat between The Tower of London and St. Katharine's steps. It was known as 'Tower Beach' and could hold up to five hundred people at a time and was usable for five hours a day at low tide

1 comment:

  1. I love that photo of us all at the beach! I wish I could wear shorts that short now!
