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Sunday 10 August 2014

Jelly Belly

You have to admire a sweet that comes in this many flavours. 36 'Gourmet' flavours to be precise. Look at 'em all. Where have they been all my life? Did they exist when I could eat them? Before the dreaded Big 'D' came along and ruined my life. I asked the dentist if he could remove my sweet tooth...but he said I was stuck with it. Apparently, all I need is some willpower. I've looked everywhere....Amazon, ebay, Marks & Spencers. Can I find any willpower? No, I cannot! Hmmph!

"S'not fair," is allegedly not a good enough reason to get huffy about not being able to eat the good stuff anymore. But lookit...just bloody look at all the lovely stuff that's out there, stuff that's been invented since I can't have it anymore..... Boo Hoo!

I hope you're not laughing.... it's not flippin' funny!
I confess, I have tried the Marvelous Creations chocolate, but I haven't even seen this one anywhere yet.


I'm going to lie down in a darkened room and suck on a strawberry. It's just not the same though!



  1. Yes, jellybellies have been around for aaagggges, where have you been? You can combine them to make cocktails and everything, haven't had any for a while!
    You are not missing anything with the popping candy chocolate, it's rank. Pebbles are lush and part of the staple diet in this household! The strawberry and creme cadbury's is just ok, nothing special if that makes you feel any better!
    Wish the people at Kraft would stop messing about with the cadburys though! Bring back the proper square blocks of lovverly chocolate and stop faffing about rounding the corners on things.

  2. Er....I've had the popping candy one, I loved it.
