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Friday 29 August 2014

I Scream...You Scream...We all Scream for Ice-Cream!

Ooo! There's a right proper palaver going on in the Great British Bake Off tent. Diana has become the villain of the piece for taking Iain's ice-cream out of the freezer. And when she was heard to say.......

Diana then said this.

......the temperature rose in the twitterverse as fans called "Off with her head." Well, maybe not quite off with her head, but you get my drift.

After discovering the state of his alaska.......

A Cake Scandal Hit “The Great British Bake Off” And The British Are Angry

....which Sue Perkins has since said was only actually out of the freezer for 40 seconds, this is where Iain deposited it before walking out of the tent.

A Cake Scandal Hit “The Great British Bake Off” And The British Are Angry

Diana's face was a picture when she realised what he had done!

This was Diana's reaction.

I have to say, I do think Diana should have apologised to Iain, although maybe she did in private...who knows? Of course, someone has started a twitter campaign. Really? 

And....and....and....would you flippin' believe it, the BBC had 556 complaints because Iain was evicted and Diana was allowed to stay! Seriously, some people need to get a life. I need to get one too, but at least I'm not ringing the BBC every five minutes to complain about stuff...and there are plenty of things on TV to complain about.

The upshot is that Iain is out of the Mary said "If he doesn't present something for us to taste, how can we let him stay?"

Mary has spoken.

See you next week for pies..... what kind of pies?....your favourite..... Ooo apple pies?... 
No, chicken pies!   


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