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Sunday 24 August 2014

The Doctor Is In The House

Includes spoilers, so best not  read until you've actually watched it.

Does Steven Moffat weave some mind altering magic into the opening credits of Doctor Who? Magic that makes even the most cynical of us (me) able to accept a new Doctor within five minutes of the first episode. I have to admit (albeit grudgingly) but I think he'll do. He's not David Tennant or Matt Smith and I can't see me ever liking him more than either of them, but I really enjoyed the first episode of this new run. I even shed a tear when Clara (who was having difficulties making the adjustment along with the rest of us) received a phone call from Matt Smith's Doctor imploring her to accept and help him to assimilate his new persona. It was also a stroke of genius on Moffat's part to include Madame Vastra, Jenny and Strax in this strange story, (which was really just a vehicle in which to introduce us to Capaldi) a marvelous bit of continuity to help us over the loss of Smith. All in all it was a relief to find, after a twelve month wait, that maybe, just maybe, Peter Capaldi, although craggy faced and a bit older than we're used to recently, isn't so bad after all. I shall be eating my humble pie later...anyone got any cream?


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