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Saturday 9 August 2014

' Who ' News

For the first time, I'm not looking forward to it. I'm expecting to be disappointed.... it could be the end of a beautiful relationship. One was good, two was the best and three was better than one, but I'm afraid four could be a dud.

What am I talking about? 

Peter Capaldi's 'Doctor Who'.

Objections: He's too old. He's planning on playing it entirely too seriously. He's too old. He doesn't suit Clara. He's too old. Ok....I'm being grumpy about it, I wouldn't have chosen him, but I suppose I ought to give him a chance. And I fervently hope I'm wrong. I will be watching as I love the stories and hopefully Peter Capaldi will be much better than I expect

In other 'Who' News

Uh! looks like the Master is coming back!

How cute are these?

My boys.... Wah! I miss my boys! I'm off to sulk now



  1. Now now, it was never was going to last forever, was it? Anyway, remember when Christopher Ecclestone left? We all thought David Tennant was going to be rubbish didn't we and look what happened there.....
    On second thoughts, wah! Bring back DT....

  2. Seconded..... all in favour?
