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Sunday 28 September 2014

Some Enchanted Weekend

A mixed bag for the first week of Strictly Come Dancing 2014, spread over two nights viewing. We had six couples on Friday and nine on Saturday.

Also, I'm not entirely convinced that any of you will actually read my Strictly posts, but stuff ya...I'm gonna do 'em anyway.

First up on Friday, we had Caroline Flack with the gorgeous Pasha Kovalev (who is now dancing in private with his celebrity partner from last year, Countdown's Rachel Riley). Lucky girl! Sorry, where was I? Oh yes, the Cha Cha Cha. An extremely good first effort for this couple and Caroline's gold frock was very effective.

Next we had Tim Wonnacott (who gets an A for enthusiasm) but probably a D for his first dance. Natalie keeps insisting that she is happy to have Tim as a partner...Liar Liar, pants on fire! That's what you get for injuring yourself and having last year off Nat.

Jake Wood and Janette Manrara danced a very tasty tango....looks like Janette has landed herself a good un with Eastenders 'Mad Max'. He led the dance and was veeery mean and moody and dare I say it...quite sexy. Don't want to nail my colours to the flag just yet, but so far one of my favourites.

Oh my glitterballs, Anton in a kilt...avert your eyes missus. Judy Murray's first dance was always going to be a homage to Scotland and sure enough, Mull of Kintyre was the song and a passable but not great Waltz was performed. Judy certainly looked like she was having a good time, but Anton is such a sweetie, I think we'd all love a dance with him.

Friday's penultimate couple was Radio 1 DJ Scott Mills and new professional Joanna Clifton (sister of Kevin). From this performance it seems that Scott should go back to spinning tunes, rather than dancing to them. Poor Joanne's Strictly debut might be a short one!

Fridays final performance was pop princess Pixie Lott with new boy Trent Whiddon, doing a fairly good Jive. Why do they make them Jive in Week One.. it seems like one of the hardest dances to me, requiring both speed and stamina and which would surely be better tackled later in the series.

So, that was forward to Saturday and we had an awesome opening number by the pro dancers. A must watch (if you've read this far...go on be a devil...risk it for a might even like it!)

Mark Wright of TOWIE fame was first on the dancefloor on Saturday night with partner Karen Hauer. This was a Cha Cha Cha that seemed to be more about showing off his caterpillar skills than dancing, but it was ok I suppose. Not sure about him yet.

Next we had the fabulous Alison Hammond with last years winning pro, the gorgeous Aljaz (pronounced Al-ee-ash). Alison attacked this Cha Cha Cha with gusto and was obviously loving every second of it. She has rhythm and musicality leaking from every pore. They were magnificent and I can't wait to see what they do next.

Oo er! I wasn't expecting Steve Backshall to be as good as he was and look what he was hiding under his anorak! Another terrific Tango here and Ola looked sexy as hell in her almost there dress! She does look good in skin.... Steve and Ola might be one of the couples to keep a beady eye on as the weeks progress.

Mrs Brown's wife Jennifer Gibney took to the dancefloor next with our final newbie Tristan MacManus. Another Jive, which taxed Jennifer's lungs to the hilt and according to the judges Tristan didn't stint us on the number of steps. I think the poor girl needed a lie down afterwards. This was an ok effort but I'm looking forward to seeing this couple do some different dances.

Thom and Iveta were up next with a lovely Waltz. Iveta seems to be quite taken with Thom, could this be this years pro/celebrity romance? Ooo! Ooo! I've just googled it and it looks like I may be correct. Yay!
Iveta and Thom go on secret dates <-- click here to read more.

Next we had Sunetra Sarker and Brendan Cole with a 'Casualty' themed Tango. Very enjoyable. Brendan was the winner, with Natasha Kaplinsky, of the very first series of Strictly but has so far not managed to repeat that success. I fear that ultimately he will fail again this year, but with Sunetra he should be good for a few weeks.

Oh dear...Oh dear...Oh dear! Gregg and Aliona failed to light up the dancefloor with a very faltering Cha Cha Cha and unfortunately Gregg was a little bit too camp in this one. The judges seemed to think he had actually over practiced and therefore failed to put much personality into it. Unless he improves vastly, he may be a candidate for the chop, next week along with Tim Wonnacott.

The stars of the show, according to the judges at least, were undoubtadly Frankie Bridge of girl group The Saturdays and Kevin (from Grimsby) Clifton with a delightful Waltz. Frankie looked stunning Kevin is just yummy. The dress, the umbrella, the mood, the dance, all blended together to create an extremely fetching performance.

Last, but not least we have Simon Webbe of boy band Blue with his pro partner Kristina Rihanoff. Kristina always delivers fabulous choreography and tonights Jive was no exception. Kristina might have got herself a good one here and might finally go all the way to the glitterball.

And there you have it, week one of Strictly 2014. From the leaderboard below, we can see that Tim, Judy, Jennifer, Gregg and Scott have some catching up to do if they want to stay out of the bottom two. We'll see what happens next week.

Top of the Laderboard
Bottom of the Leaderboard

                                                                                          Tracey x

Saturday 27 September 2014

And Then There Were Four....

I had a bit of a pie-lemma at the start of Wednesday's Bake Off. I like them all and they are all good bakers. Can't they all stay?  So, it was 'Advanced Dough' week, but a good baker will rise to the occasion and at this stage the smallest mistake and you're scone!

The remaining Bake off contestants

No loafing around in the tent this week then. The signature challenge was sweet fruit loaves using an enriched dough and no baking tins! In my opinion, Luis had the best with his tear and share cherrytree. Each of the buns had a sugar lump in the centre soaked in booze. Yummy!

Above is Luis' Cherrytree Loaf and below is Richard's Fruit Swedish Tea Ring.
Put the kettle on.

This weeks technical was a nightmare of a bake for everyone except Chetna.... it was the same thing she had just made in the signature bake. (How lucky was that?) The tricky Povitica loaf was very under baked (raw) for everyone except Chetna, who couldn't keep the grin off her face as she came top. Below is a picture of how it should have looked.


At this point Martha was walking on thin icing as she came last with her too raw to eat Povitica loaf and her signature bake wasn't the best of the bun-ch.

Finally we had the Showstopper...Get bready for this....Donuts! Each baker had to make two batches of eighteen donuts. The best in my opinion were once again made by Louis.

I mean, muffin much wrong with these and the straws were full of Baileys Irish Cream. Hic!

Richard's Rhubarb and Custard Donuts went down well with the judges and he was crowned star baker for a record fourth time.

However, poor Martha seemed to have bitten off more than she could Choux and she is scone from the tent.
Pie Pie Martha!

So, now we are down to the final four....drumroll please. See you in the tent.

Some Baking Inspired Songs

Nobody Does it Butter - Carly Pieman
Hopelessly Devoted to Choux - Olive-ia Newton John
Anyone who had a Tart - Cilla Black
Caught in a Bap - Elvis Cress-ly
Bright Pies - Tart Garfunkel
Loaf Me Tender - Elvis Parsley

                                                                                                     Tracey x

Sunday 21 September 2014

It's Madness I Tell Ya....Madness!

I have seen many strange things (for sale) over the years, but seriously......


...... Why would anybody pay a hundred pounds for a dressed up baby Orangutan Doll? Can you imagine the horror of visiting a friend only to discover their house is full of them....


 And let me draw your attention once again to the prices of these things..... the one above on the left is £129.95 - you can't see me but I am shaking my head in bafflement!

Or even worse, a collection of Miniature Lifelike Dolls? (see below) Just the thought of it is making my forehead moist! I daren't show you all the other 'lifelike' doll babies or you'll have nightmares. Some of them even 'breathe'.

OMG...what fresh hell is this? This is apparently an 'Amazing Sea Monster Baby'
A proper bonny bugger and no mistake!

...and the prettiest (ahem!) of all...

Ok....I'm off now. Don't have nightmares!
                                                                                                                      Tracey x

Saturday 20 September 2014

I Want One...

...This one

20 Things That Are Better When They're Together

...Or maybe I want two

20 Things That Are Better When They're Together

...Or three?

...Or even four!

20 Things That Are Better When They're Together

                                                                                                    Tracey x

Friday 19 September 2014

My Top 10 Scary Sci-Fi Baddies

I love sci-fi, futuristic type shows and films, so I thought I'd treat you to a rundown of my favourite villains/monsters.

10.  The Clockwork Droids - Doctor Who

Now these guys are scary because they are using human body parts to mend their spaceship and have decided that only the brain of the 37 year old Madame de Pompadour will suffice to complete their repairs. From their 51st century ship they keep trying to find the right time by opening windows into 18th century France. This comprises the storyline of one of my favourite Doctor Who Episodes 'The Girl In The Fireplace'. Of course, the Doctor and Rose Tyler happen along with the bumbling Mickey Smith to save the day.

9.  Lord Voldemort - Harry Potter films

Bonny looking chap isn't he? Lord Voldemort is Harry Potter's nemesis. He is so evil and so feared in the wizarding world that he is mostly known as 'He-who-must-not-be-named'.  He is very creepy and has a penchant for large snakes.....Uuurgh!

8.  Agent Smith - The Matrix

This is one scary dude...although he is really just a computer programme masquerading as human, and he is tasked with ridding the Matrix of any undesirable this instance our heroes Morpheus ( Laurence Fishburne) and Neo (Keanu Reeves). Because he is a programme, Smith has unending reserves of strength, energy and destructive talents. This is one of the best films EVER, so if you haven't seen it, I urge you to go watch it. (Not you's not your type of film!)

The Matrix (1999) Poster

7.  T-1000 - Terminator 2 Judgement Day

As you can see from the picture directly above, this bad guy has the ability to disguise himself in any number of ways. He can literally become a duplicate of anything he touches....gulp! He can fashion his own weapons by turning his arms into swords and he can withstand any amount of gunfire by just absorbing the bullets and reconstituting himself. You would think he was totally impervious. Maybe he is...maybe he isn''ll have to watch the film to find out. Again, not you Mum, you're excused.

6.  Vashta Nerada - Doctor Who

Otherwise known as a swarm in a suit....a swarm of microscopic beings with the ability to pick every scrap of meat from your bones in milliseconds. Not scary at all then.... Ha! Ha! (nervous laugh). This is one of the scariest baddies that you never actually see. What we do see (above) is their handiwork. The Vashta Nerada have been transported in the books to the library from their native forests. The Library is a planet where every book ever written is stored. Over a million, million of these creatures hatched from the books and the libraries safety protocols 'saved' the 4,022 people on the planet to its computer hard drive. This is also the episode where the Doctor first meets River Song and has no idea who she is!

5.  The Kurgan - Highlander 

He may be laughing but check out the safety pins holding his head on. I'm telling you, this is one mean sonofabitch. In Highlander he is trying to kill the main characters because 'there can be only one' and I think...he wants it to be him. These fellas are immortal unless you chop their heads off, hence the safety pins from a failed attempt. You don't want to see the other guy! Another brilliant film (don't even think about it Mum), one of my all time favourites.

4.  The Borg - Star Trek Franchise

'Resistance is Futile'. really is futile. These chaps are proper nasty buggers who want to assimilate the entire population They operate with a hive mind and grow stronger with every race the assimilate, incorporating their knowledge into the collective consciousness. They even managed to get their hands on Jean Luc Picard, Captain of the Enterprise. I can't remember how he was rescued. The Borg Queen took quite a fancy to him as well (below).

3.  The Weeping Angels - Doctor Who

'Don't Blink. Blink and you're dead. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink.' - The Doctor

Quite why the Angels are so scary is a bit of a mystery. They don't usually kill, they just zap you back in time to live to death whilst they feed on the residual time energy of the life you leave behind. But if they don't need to feed they can sneak up behind you and break your neck. If you can get two angels to look at each other they become frozen, thus rendering them harmless. They are however extremely scary and were ultimately responsible for the demise of Amy and Rory as the 11th Doctor's companions.

2.  The Wraith - Stargate Atlantis

What a cutie! This lovely fella sticks his hand in your heart and sucks the life right out of you through slits in his hand, aging you by the second and reducing you to a smoking husk! Yuk! They are a horrible genetic blend of humans and insects who travel around in hive ships culling the populations of the planets they visit. Now that they know of the existence of earth and the the billions of tasty snacks thereupon, they are locked in constant battles with the human inhabitants of Atlantis in order to gain access to the Stargate.

1.  The Silence - Doctor Who

The main thing that makes these chaps frightening is the fact that when you look away, you can't remember ever seeing them.....
The main thing that makes these chaps frightening is the fact that when you look away, you can't remember ever seeing them.....
The main thing that makes these chaps frightening is the fact that when you look away, you can't remember ever seeing them.....
Er...where was I? Oh yes, The Silence. The main thing that makes these chaps frightening is the fact that when you look away, you can't remember ever seeing them.....
Sorry! These seven foot tall, thin, gangly creatures are members of the Church of the Silence, formerly known as the Papal Mainframe and were originally genetically engineered by the church to allow people to confess their sins without remembering doing so. A renegade group of these confessional priests became obsessed with stopping 'The Siege of Trenzalore' and they travelled back in time, to influence human history over a long time in an attempt to create a fixed death for the Doctor at Lake Silencio.
Now then, if you don't watch Doctor Who (Hi, Mum) then all you probably read was Blah.... blah.... blah... blah, but don't worry, just look away and you'll forget it all.
So, as I was saying, The main thing that makes these chaps frightening is the fact that when you look away, you can't remember ever seeing them.....
The main thing that makes these chaps frightening is the fact that when you look away, you can't remember ever seeing them.....
The main thing that makes these chaps frightening is the fact that when you look away, you can't remember ever seeing them.....
The main thing that makes these chaps frightening is the fact that when you look away, you can't remember ever seeing them.....

That's my Top 10. If you think I've made any glaring omissions, please feel free to add your own list to the comments.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Hey Mum.....

.....Get your knitting needles out!

                                                                   Tracey x

Friday 12 September 2014

Reality Overload

Thank goodness that's over with..... Gary Busey is the CBB winner and as I write this he is waffling his way through his interview with Emma and I've kinda tuned out. I'm sure his family and friends love him...and I'm trying to retain the milk of human kindness, but good grief! He once told Joan Rivers in an interview: "My brain has been a high dimension in the spiritual realm, and that's where I operate consciously and unconsciously."

My Mum doesn't watch reality TV....I can't even get her to watch Strictly.... but somehow she got a bit sucked into this series. Maybe it was my comic impressions of the voice of Big Brother, Marcus Bentley. However.... I've just had a phone call, right after Gary was announced as the winner. It was Mum..... she won't be watching it again and she was switching the telly off. Ha! Ha! Can't say I blame her. Age is no excuse for his rude behaviour and I think what the other housemates underestimated, was the enormity of Gary Busey's fan base. Either that or it's fixed! I'm sulking 'cos George should have won. In the end. Edele came 6th, Dee came 5th, George came 4th, James came 3rd and Audley came 2nd.

Picture of the Day

Does my bum look big in this?

Quote of the Day

"A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man."
- Lana Turner

Monday 8 September 2014

Razzle, Dazzle 'em

Let's call the Register for the class of 2014

15 shiny new celebrities - check
12 tried and tested professionals - check
3 brand new professionals - check
1 slightly dusty Bruce Forsyth (part timer this year) - check
4 judgemental judges - check
1 superb band with wonderful singers - check
2 pretty girls to host the whole thing - check
1000's (or possibly millions of....)  sequins - check
100's of godets - check
1 Glitterball trophy - check
1 Launch show full of all the above and more - check

Okay, so let's START DANCING.......
EMBARGO 7/9/2014 - 21.15
First group dance of the season
First up, let's deal with the changes. No more Artem Chigvintsev (Boo! Hoo!), no more James Jordan and poor Robin Windsor has just had surgery on a back injury, so is out of this series as a contestant. Also no longer with the show, and after only one series is Anya Garnis. Brucie will only be around for a couple of episodes, so we have Tess at the helm with Claudia Winkleman as her very able sidekick. We also have three new dancers, Joanne Clifton (yes, she is Kevin's sister), Australian Trent Whiddon and Irishman Tristan MacManus who have both danced in the US version of Strictly.

James Jordan was effectively sacked, probably for being too opinionated. He was offered a reduced role as a 'backing' dancer but refused (as I'm sure the powers that be knew he would) and he is currently ensconced in the Celebrity Big Brother House picking fights with Audley Harrison!

james jordan strictly

Artem is currently in the US and has decided to stay there for the time being where he will be taking part in America's version of Strictly, 'Dancing With The Stars'. His dancing partner will be Lea Thompson, an actress best known for her various incarnations of Lorraine McFly in the 'Back To The Future' films. 

I might have to keep an eye on Artem's progress via YouTube. Back to Strictly and we know who our celebrities are paired up with after last nights show.

Gregg Jake and Steve

First off, we have Greg Wallace, Masterchef judge, with Aliona Vilani who appears to have pissed someone off as this is the second year she has been handed a damp squib, Aliona has also previously won the glitterball with Harry Judd in 2011 and was runner up with Matt Baker back in 2010. Then Jake Wood (Eastenders) was given Janette Manrara who last year made it to week 4 with fashion designer Julien Macdonald and Strictly favourite Ola Jordan who won with Chris Hollins in 2009 was paired with Steve Backshall.

Thom, Caroline and Jenny

Lucky girl Iveta Lukosiute got the good looking, fit rugby player Thom Evans while very lucky Caroline Flack managed to snag popular professional dancer Pasha Kovalev. The tall and pretty Mrs. Brown's Boys actress Jennifer Gibney has Irish new boy Tristan MacManus to teach her the moves (I see the possibility of a little Irish dancing being snuck in somewhere along the line).

Pixie, Simon and Tim with their celebrity partners

Popstar Pixie Lott and Australian new boy Trent Whiddon certainly make a pretty pair and Kristina Rihanoff seemed made up with 'Blue' boy Simon Webbe.  At first glance it would seem that Natalie Lowe has drawn the short straw with antiques expert Tim Wonnacott, but she seemed genuinely pleased...either that or she has amazing acting skills.

scott mark and alison

The only new female professional Joanne Clifton is dancing with Radio One DJ Scott Mills and ex TOWIE star Mark Wright has Karen Hauer as his partner. Aljaz Skorjanec is partnered with the delightful This Morning reporter Alison Hammond. I've like Alison ever since she was in Big Brother years ago and I hope she does as well as Lisa Riley did, as she rocks it for us larger ladies.

Judy Sunetra Frankie

And finally we have the always kind and funny Anton Du Beke with Tennis Coach Judy Murray. Casualty actress Sunetra Sarker has (used to be grumpy, but seems to have changed his ways) Brendan Cole and the wonderful Kevin Clifton has a good chance with Saturday's singer Frankie Bridge... unless she turns out to have two left feet of course.

So, there you have it. We just have to wait three interminably looooong weeks until the start of the series proper on Friday and Saturday 26th and 27th September.

By the way, the Strictly launch show averaged 8.4 million viewers while The X Factor, shown at the same time, averaged 7 million. Just saying.........