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Sunday 21 September 2014

It's Madness I Tell Ya....Madness!

I have seen many strange things (for sale) over the years, but seriously......


...... Why would anybody pay a hundred pounds for a dressed up baby Orangutan Doll? Can you imagine the horror of visiting a friend only to discover their house is full of them....


 And let me draw your attention once again to the prices of these things..... the one above on the left is £129.95 - you can't see me but I am shaking my head in bafflement!

Or even worse, a collection of Miniature Lifelike Dolls? (see below) Just the thought of it is making my forehead moist! I daren't show you all the other 'lifelike' doll babies or you'll have nightmares. Some of them even 'breathe'.

OMG...what fresh hell is this? This is apparently an 'Amazing Sea Monster Baby'
A proper bonny bugger and no mistake!

...and the prettiest (ahem!) of all...

Ok....I'm off now. Don't have nightmares!
                                                                                                                      Tracey x

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