My Blog List

Friday 5 September 2014


Um....I think I may have got a little over egg-cited with my shopping today. The egg mayonnaise was on a twofer and I bought the savoury eggs because I had forgotten I'd already bought the scotch eggs. Whoops!

Sadly I have no excuse for these....perhaps they fell into my shopping basket when I wasn't looking.
Yes, I like that one. I'll go with that.


Strictly Excited

Just two more sleeps until the launch show (Sunday, BBC1, 8pm if you're interested)

Strictly Come Dancing



My ears have been blocked with wax for aaaages....I SAID...MY EARS HAVE BEEN BLOCKED WITH WAX FOR AGES.  These days you can't get your ears syringed unless you put olive oil in them for a week beforehand. I've been avoiding this because I just don't like the idea of putting stuff in my ears. (I have no idea why this is so, but there you have it...I'm peculiar.) A couple of days ago I finally plucked up courage and began the regime.  All I can hear now is the oil squelching it's way towards my brain.....everything else is completely muffled, and I've got piggin' earache.... I SAID...I'VE GOT PIGGIN' EARACHE!

Picture of the Day

I seeee you!


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