My Blog List

Thursday 28 June 2012

Good Grief!

received the following as a comment on one of my blog posts the other day.  I'm still laughing.
Enjoy, and see my reply underneath ( I didn't actually send it because I'M NOT STUPID!)

Victor Hababibi has left a new comment on your post "Now that's what I call Knitting!": 

I like your knitting project it amusing very to me. But I have a small problem, maybe help me you can?
I am a personal treasurer to Mikhail Khodorkovsky the Richest man in Russia and owner of the following companies: Chairman CEO:YUKOS OIL (Russian Largest Oil Company) Chairman CEO:Menatep SBP Bank (A well reputable financial institution with its Branches all over the world)
I have a profiling amount in an excess of US$100.5M, which I seek your Partnership in accommodating for me. You will be rewarded with 4% of The total sum for your partnership. Can you be my partner on this?
INTRODUCTION OF MY SELF As a personal consultant to him, authority Was handed over to me in transfer of money of an American oil merchant For his last oil deal with my boss Mikhail Khodorkovsky.
In order to help release your part of the funds I just need a Postal Order for £60. If you agree please email me all your bank details to 

Dear Victor

Although I have never heard of you or your boss Mr. Khodorkovsky, I am very touched that you would be willing to allow me, a total stranger to share in your good fortune. However I have a small problem.  Perhaps you can help me with it.  I'm afraid I do not have the £60 you require from me to get this wonderful partnership under way.  So if you could just advance me Ooo, say £300 of my share, then I will be able to send you the £60 Postal Order and give myself a little treat while I await the rest of my funds.
Thank you so much for your understanding in this matter.  My bank details are below

Sort Code:         B-u-g-g-e-r-O-f-f
Account No:       Y-o-u-H-a-v-e-G-o-t-T-o-B-e-K-i-d-d-i-n-g-M-e
Bank Address:   Not as Gullible As You Think Building Society
I'm no Sucker Lane
Fairy Land


  1. ROTFLOL oh I love it !!!

    However, I do think you reeelllyy reeeellly should take Victor up on his offer. He sounds such a lovely man. You never know where it might lead :-)

    Dizzy Di

  2. Mr Moses Odiaka28 June 2012 at 23:13

    Dear Elephant Fairy,

    My name is Mr.Moses Odiaka.I work in the credit and accounts department of Union Bank of NigeriaPlc,Lagos, Nigeria. I write you in respect of a foreign customer with a Domicilliary account. His name is Victor Hababibi. He was among those who died in a plane crash here in Nigeria this morning.

    Since the demise of this our customer, we have had to go through his belongings and have found only your name and details. He had only $100.5 mllion in his a/c and the a/c is coded.

    As you are the only name in his belonging you now stand as the only beneficary to his funds. In order to release the funds I just need a small payment of £120. If you are uncomfortable with giving me your bank details I can get my good friend Daniel Wakajawaka-Dandada to call at your address. He is currently in the UK studying at the university of woodplumpton.

    Kindly send your reply to my private email address

    Trusting to hear from you,

    I remain Respectfully yours,

    Mr Moses Odiaka.
