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Sunday 24 June 2012

Now that's what I call Knitting!

Knitting has never been my friend, I couldn't cast on, I couldn't understand the patterns and I found it very very boring.  I did start a matinee jacket once for a friend's new baby but I've not finished it yet and the baby is twenty-four this year.  However, I might have tried harder if Yarnbombing had been about then, how cool is this?

and this....

....and this

I think I might have managed the cute little tree sweater, with a bit of help.

Yarnbombing is graffiti art for knitters and they often cover the objects in question during the night. One lady spent an entire week covering a disused single decker bus in colourful swatches of her work.  This strange but beautiful hobby is thought to have been started in America by a shop owner who was bored one day and decided to knit a little cover for her door handle.

Now then, who's going to cast on for me?


  1. Oooo I heard about this on the BBC Breakfast TV show last week. Strange, but can understand why some women would just have to do it ! I expect they are the ladies that do so much for charities bless 'em.

    Which reminds me, I must start that second crib blanket for forthcoming what, white, or purple?? Oh decisions, decisioin. :-)

    Dizzy Di

  2. I love the tree sweater and the bus stop bobble hat! Amazing!

  3. Victor Hababibi27 June 2012 at 11:38

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