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Thursday 14 June 2012

My Special Power

I think I have a gift!  Yesterday I sat on a bench to wait for a bus and a lady started talking to me before my bum had even made contact with the seat. She started by telling me that she liked my top whilst rubbing the fabric between her fingers.  Aw, how sweet you're thinking.....  then she asked me if I had trouble getting clothes to fit me!  I suppose I should be grateful that she didn't just look at me and say "My, you're awfully fat dear".  We then proceeded through the entire back catalogue of every pair of shoes she had ever bought.  No, I don't know why either, we started off on blouses for goodness sake.  Eventually her bus came and she trotted away.  Quick as a whippet, a grizzled, gnarly old fella took her place and extracted his grubby tobacco tin from the depths of his trouser pocket.  We then had a ten minute conversation about the state of the buses while he rolled himself a cigarette.  See, it's a gift; they swarm to me like bees on a particularly tasty flower.  Now if I could just turn this power towards men aged between forty and fifty with lots of money and bad eyesight........


  1. lol Love it! What a story teller you are :-)

    Dizzy Di

  2. Hmm, they sound delightful! Use a different bus stop?!
    T xx
