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Friday 29 June 2012

Hmmm... I suspect my Brother!

Further to yesterday's post I have received the following and I am laughing so hard that Coca-Cola is coming down both my nostrils and I will have to collect it with a spoon. (See what I did there Joe & Jess?)
I strongly suspect my lovely brother has had a hand in this - at least I hope so, as the alternative is a little scary.  And if it is true, as I heard the other week, that a good laugh adds seven minutes to your life, then surely this laugh is going to see me well into my nineties!

Dear Elephant Fairy,

My name is Mr.Moses Odiaka.I work in the credit and accounts department of Union Bank of NigeriaPlc,Lagos, Nigeria. I write you in respect of a foreign customer with a Domicilliary account. His name is Victor Hababibi. He was among those who died in a plane crash here in Nigeria this morning.

Since the demise of this our customer, we have had to go through his belongings and have found only your name and details. He had only $100.5 mllion in his a/c and the a/c is coded.

As you are the only name in his belonging you now stand as the only beneficary to his funds. In order to release the funds I just need a small payment of £120. If you are uncomfortable with giving me your bank details I can get my good friend Daniel Wakajawaka-Dandada to call at your address. He is currently in the UK studying at the university of woodplumpton.

Kindly send your reply to my private email address

Trusting to hear from you,

I remain Respectfully yours,

Mr Moses Odiaka.


  1. OOooo Fairy Eleaphant, Im jealous. Sounds like you might have your own elephant to ride somewhere exotic soon, with all your winnings. Dont forget your dizzy friends ;-)

    Dizzy Di


  2. I think everybody needs their own Victor Hababibi...
