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Sunday 17 June 2012

A Very British Obsession

Looks like we are having another drought!!

What is it with the weather?  A couple of weeks ago the sun was cracking the flags, people were stripping off to reveal pasty pale legs and wobbly midriffs; even I undid a button on my cardigan and took my socks off.

I remember when there were four definate seasons in a year.  In winter it was cold, it rained a lot and it snowed.  Spring was fresh and pretty.  Summer was hot and bright and Autumn was cool and colourful.  Now it's anybodies guess from one week to the next.  Leaving the house is a nightmare, you need an umbrella, suncream, snowshoes, a winter coat and your bikini just to be on the safe side.  Notice I said your bikini, not my bikini, I just undo another button on my cardigan.

In 1976, one of the hottest summers ever, while you lot were basking in the English sun, I was in France in the rain, so much rain that we nearly drowned on a boat trip as the canoe type boats filled up very quickly.  It was my first and last school trip, I knew I should have gone skiing.

So once again we are enmeshed in a very British Summer where rain will stop play all over the place, or it will be too hot to leave the house or the wind will blow your umbrella inside out while you get pelted with rain that steams as it hits the hot pavements.  At least it's not boring.  Imagine living somewhere where it is too cold all the time; the far reaches of Alaska perhaps, or somewhere where it is too hot all the time; Queensland, Australia anyone? No?  Me neither.... 

1 comment:

  1. Lol you are showing your age now young lady - spring warm weather, summer hot weather etc !!! Like a lot of things in life, weather changes with age! In 1976 I was pregnant with Jamie and Giles was a year old. Unbelieveably hot being preggies in that summer. I spent much time indoors ! But, having lived in France for 3 years, believe me, it IS really boring when every day is dry and sunny - trust me - Im a Dr - Farm Doctor ;-)

    Dizzy Di
