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Thursday 7 June 2012

A Message from Your Queen.

One would like to thanks one's subjects for a delightful weekend of celebrations for one's Diamond Jubilee.  One had an awfully good time, especially once one got Philip stashed away in the hospital. After that one didn't need to worry about one's husband making a right royal cock-up of proceedings.  To be honest, between you and one there's nothing wrong with the old buffer, he just didn't fancy another two days standing around in the rain. After the weather on Sunday, one can't blame him.  One was convinced that all one's family would be in bed with Pneumonia on Monday! Poor Kate, was shivering so much one could hear her bones rattling.  There isn't an ounce of fat on the poor child.  Did her parents not feed her?

Anyway one digresses, back to the weekend.  The boats were rather splendid, one particularly liked the one with the hat, one had a good giggle over that.

If any of my subjects are wondering why Philip and I did not sit on those thrones on the barge..... well one thought they were reserved for the Beckhams and one thought it was jolly rude of them not to show up. Hmmph!  Philip was in a right royal snit about that.

One isn't the first to have a bunch of boats float up the Thames in one's honour
Look at what one found.  Isn't that a rather magnificent contrast?

One will hand you back to your host now.  One is going to lie down with a large Gin and Dubonnet and one doesn't want disturbing until Christmas.

Thanks Again Peeps


Queenie xx

Thankyou your Maj

I have to say I was quite impressed with the fortitude of Queenie and her gang over the weekend. The woman is eighty six and she has more stamina than I do (mind you, I never had much in the first place).

Her Maj and Prince Philip stood up for over four hours on that cold wet barge, it's no wonder the nearly ninety one year old Prince ended up in hospital. I'm surprised that the whole lot of them weren't struck down by Pneumonia.  Even poor Kate had to don a scarf when the rain and wind picked up.

The procession of boats along the Thames was magnificent, featuring some stunning boats.

It's a shame the weather was a touch inclement but at least we were showing our true wet and windy face to the rest of the world. Tomorrow we'll have a look at the concert.


  1. It was British weather for an entirely British occasion.

  2. Brilliant. Enjoyed that, brought all the memories flooding back :-)

    Dizzy Di

  3. Simply maaahvalous dahling. One did enjoy Lizzie's version of events...
    T xx
