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Monday 7 October 2013

Dancing Queens (and Kings)

Strictly Week 2 - The Extended Version!

It was two hours long....two hours! I can't go two hours without a wee! I thought about pausing it, but then I thought, if I pause it....will it muck the recording up? I'm technically challenged you know. Anyway, I made a dash for it when Tess was waffling on about something, trying to out-Brucie Brucie.

I've finally worked out what is wrong with Tess's dresses (they're bloody awful). No, seriously, I had an epiphany on Saturday night when I saw her standing next to the gorgeously understated Claudia Winkleman (who was filling in for a poorly Sir Bruce). Tess is dressing way too old for herself and the outfits always look like they've just been cobbled together in the dressing room five minutes before the show. They seem to be too big or too tight and appear to have bits added on here and there, almost as an afterthought. Claudia however (although she doesn't always get it right) dresses as you would imagine she does in real life and always looks slightly dishevelled...... Bless her!

I've decided everyone will get an award this week and Susanna who was first out of the trap with Kevin from Grimsby gets.....

tango, Susanna Reid, Strictly
Susanna is an extremely pretty lady and looked fabulous in this black and white number which had a little shot of pink at the back. She is clearly loving every minute, as she should because she's rather good at this dancing lark. Darcey even said she should give up her day job! Praise indeed from the great Darcey Bussell.
Susanna and Kevin came away with 31 points to add to last weeks 28 giving them a total of 59. I really like this couple and am very impressed with new pro Kevin.


I think both outfits deserved this award and Aliona's hair was more like a helmet than a 'do', she obviously got Fiona's share of the hairspray. Poor Tony, it wasn't so much 'You Look Good On The Dance Floor', more like you'd look better on the golf course. It's a shame he got such a difficult dance in the second week. He seems like a lovely man but he's never going to be as good as Ashley or ...... Oh dear, we seem to have a shortage of decent male celebrities this year. Tony & Aliona 13 points plus 16 = 29 (Ouch!)

BEST 'DRESS WAFTING' AWARD (Oh...and Artem gets my 'Phwoar!' Award every week)
Natalie Gumede, strictly, waltz
The only problem with being so good in the early weeks of the competition is that sometimes that's as good as they get but I've a feeling that Natalie won't be one of those and will just get better and better. The judges all praised her Waltz with Darcey saying she was one to watch and Len saying the dance was absolutely corking. Craig did point out that she needs to work on the gapping and Len requested a few more heel leads but Natalie & Artem (Phwoar!) got 34 points to add to 31 for last weeks Cha Cha Cha.


Dave's enthusiasm shines through in every step and you can't help smiling while he's dancing. This was a lot more serious than last week but still very entertaining. Darcey pointed out that it was a shame that he had to use a chair to get Karen in to the lift and Craig called said lift a bit lumberjackish. The American Smooth is a gorgeous dance and I thought he did an ok job of it.  Tess told Dave that she'd had a text from Bruce to say that Dave was his favourite. Another plus for this couple is that Karen unlike Aliona, seems to be happy with her partner and isn't letting the fact that she hasn't got a chance of winning spoil her experience. Dave was awarded 17 points which added to last weeks 16 leaves them near the bottom of the leader board with 33.


So far Patrick hasn't made much of an impression on me.  He's not spectacularly bad or spectacularly good. He's sort of middle of the road and I forget about him when he's not dancing.  This could mean he will sneak under the radar giving him time to improve significantly while no one is looking. The judges seem to like him more than I do with Darcey calling him one to watch and Craig praising his fantastic attack and impeccable timing. Patrick & Anya received 27 points for the Tango to add to last weeks 28 for the Jive.

THE 'I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M ACTUALLY HERE' AWARD (and Robin gets the Best Elvis Presley Lip Award)

I like Deborah and she is obviously loving learning to dance with Robin (who wouldn't, he makes every woman feel like a princess) and I loved the start of the dance where she was giving attitude to Craig, dragon to dragon! Hopefully she will stay in for a few more weeks as she is blossoming and improving each week. Her 24 points for this Cha Cha Cha and her 24 points for last week give her a middling 48 points.

salsa, Rachel Riley, strictly
I'm always chuffed when I think of a word that one of the judges use afterwards and Rachel made me think 'awkward' which Craig picked up on too, although he also said she looked like she was wriggling around like a slug in salt which was a bit harsh. Len said she was still being too careful and Bruno thinks she looked like a gorgeous rag doll and danced like she was going to drop to the floor every five seconds. Rachel and Pascha (Drool!) got a disappointing 20 points for this Salsa which gives them 47 in total.


Vanessa Feltz is often regarded as a bit sharp and prickly (in a good way) in her working life so it was lovely to see a different side of her this week as she got very emotional about her waltz with James.  She could barely get through it in rehearsals without bawling her eyes out and she shed a tear on Saturday night too. Len declared her waltz to be heartfelt and poignant but told her she needs to start working on the details to make a complete dance package. James seemed quite touched that she loved this dance and they got a decent week two score of 23 points which together with last weeks 19 gives them a total of 42.


I thought Julien really reigned himself in for this dance....his Tango face was great throughout but there was a little too much walking/stomping and not enough proper dancing for me. Craig thought his posture was ghastly but Darcey thought this dance suited him better than last weeks Cha Cha Cha. Both Julien & Janette's outfits were fab-ooo-lous (as Julien would say), and the dancing on the table was impressive.Unfortunately this is a macho dance and Julien will be the first to admit he is anything but and they got a dismal 18 points to add to last weeks 20.


Judging by this photo I think Fiona and Anton forgot to get in the hairspray queue, or they've just got up (hopefully from separate beds). This was a great Cha Cha Cha with Fiona looking very good in her green and black dress. It was a shame that near the end of the dance she kicked Anton in the shin and didn't quite recover from this misstep. Anton isn't known for his Latin Dancing but having a good partner this year means he's going to be doing more than usual. 22 points and last weeks 24 give them a decent 46 points in total.

Mark Benton, salsa, Strictly
Mark is a joy to watch with just the right combination of acting, dancing, enthusiasm and fun....and dig that funky shirt! Darcey loved his wild energy and Len declared that from the darkest clouds a ray of sunshine appears.  Mark & Iveta scored 22 for this energetic Salsa to add to 24 from last week.
P.S. I have just noticed an anomaly with this picture.... that is not the hairstyle he was sporting on the live show (correct hairdo below) so the above picture must be from the dress rehearsal!


Good Grief! Brendan pulled all the stops out for his first ever Strictly Charleston and this was deservedly the highest scoring dance of the night (click here to watch) with 9's from every judge. Darcey said the Charleston was just made for Sophie and praised Brendan for his brilliant choreography. Len said it was a great routine, beautifully danced. Last weeks score of 28 gave them a total of 64 for both dances. The only complaint I had was about Sophie's horrific red eye make-up which was more suited to Halloween week, but on the plus side did match the unfortunate tattoo on her arm.


I can't make my mind up about Ben. He doesn't seem to have any personality on the dance floor, although off the dance floor he seems to be a very nice chap.  I know as a sportsman he is way out of his comfort zone and I think it does take the sports people longer to conquer the performance side of things so I'll reserve judgement for now and he certainly has a great teacher in Kristina. They got 25 points for their waltz which gave them a total of 44 for both weeks.

THE 'SIZZLING HOT CHEMISTRY' AWARD (for the second week running)
cha cha, Abbey Clancy, Strictly
I think these two are going to have to get a room soon, either that or Abbey is a brilliant actress. The dance floor nearly melts when these two take to it and most of us need a lie down and a cigarette when they've finished. However Abbey seemed distinctly unimpressed with herself at the end of her Cha Cha Cha. She told Claudia that she had made a lot of mistakes but with a score of 30 the judges must not have noticed most of them. Darcey did point out that Abbey needs to relax and trust Aljaz and Bruno said there was plenty to fancy about Miss Clancy! Their total of 62 meant they ended second on the leader board behind Natalie & Artem.

American Smooth, Ashley Taylor-Dawson, Ola Jordan
Ashley is a cheeky chappie and probably the best of the male celebrities at this point in the proceedings. I think it's going to be down to him or Patrick if a man is to win this year. Len said Ashley put the 'Ooo' in smooth and Darcey thinks he is going to go far. Ola was gorgeous as ever and this was an excellent Hollywood style content packed American Smooth Foxtrot. Overall score for both weeks is 57.

All in all a very enjoyable Week Two and it was nice having Claudia on the main show. Craig cracked a smile on several occasions (I think he's a very nice man really). So all we need now are the results.......


Julien & Janette and Tony & Aliona ended up in the bottom two and it was Tony who was the first to be eliminated this year. I suspect he is probably secretly relieved and can't wait to get back to retirement in Florida.


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