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Sunday 27 October 2013

Hobble The Night Away!

Week 5 already and the injuries are piling up! Natalie's dodgy back is slowly recovering, apparently she was on so many painkillers last week she can barely remember dancing! Craig has had his hip operation and was back in his judging chair less than a week later. Respect. Patrick was also dancing with an injury, he damaged his wrist roller skating...why would you roller skate when you are in a dance competition? And finally (although I'm sure everyone else is full of aches, pains and blisters) poor Artem had his nose broken in rehearsals by the flying elbow of an over exuberant Natalie... Bless!

The doubly injured couple were up first tonight with a Samba which unfortunately was not my favourite of their dances...although I'm not over keen on the Samba to start with. Natalie seemed to be pulling a lot of strange faces (maybe it was the pain) and Len said she needed a tad more bounce. The ever enthusiastic Bruno said she was absolutely hypnotic, exotic and had a touch of the erotic. By the it physically impossible for Bruno to talk whilst sitting down? They scored a total of 35 which should see them comfortably through to next week.

Abbey and Aljaz danced a beautiful foxtrot this week, don't they look gorgeous together? Bruno said it had the feel of a love letter set to music (they danced to Dear Darlin' by Olly Murs) and that they were so in tune. Len said it was wave after wave of effortless movement around the dance floor. I've just watched it again and I loved it....again. They got 35 points (the same as last weeks Tango)

I really don't know who is the daftest, Dave or Karen? She seems to have a wicked sense of humour and this Salsa was just a festival of fun with fruity headgear. As one of the judges remarked, Dave seems to have the unique ability of never letting his left leg know what his right leg is doing! Craig said he should have stayed on the trolley and they all seemed to agree that he was out of sync all the way through. 10/10 for entertainment but he only managed a total of 17 points from the judges....oh dear!

It was a Viennese Waltz for Deborah & Robin which had too much of the old unnecessary faffing about at the start...pushing a desk about! Darcey said it was an interesting twist to a Viennese Waltz but she liked it, but Craig thought Deborah's topline was a dis-aaaas-ter...Whoops! They got a decent score of 27, one mark less than their best score so far which was for the Quickstep.

Next up we had a severely hampered Patrick who was once again (in my opinion) over marked with 28 points, although he was five points down on last weeks ChaCha Cha. Poor Anya had to change the entire routine of this Salsa to compensate for his injured wrist.  They managed one lift where he sort of slung her up with his elbow.... least said. Lovely Len told Patrick he had done a really good job under terrible circumstances. Craig said he was very stoppy starty but he has good hips and great rhythm. My advice to Patrick would be, stay off the bloody roller skates.

Ah, the lovely Fiona and her knight in shining armour Anton with their best dance yet, the Quickstep. It had a lovely tea at the Ritz theme going on and the song, 'If my friends could see me now' was a perfect choice. Bruno said Oh yes, Fiona finally putting on the glitz and Len told Fiona that More confidence, more focus and more content equals more points. They got two 7's and two 8's to which Anton quipped that he hadn't had an eight since 1972.

Unfortunately this is a very unflattering picture of Rachel who came in for a bit of a bashing for her Paso Doble or Pascha Doble... ( I know... stop it Tracey).  She did keep in charecter after an acting lesson this week but she's just not the type to be mean and moody, Darcey said she could see that Rachel had worked hard (which I think is judge code for that was crap, but we appreciate your effort) but that she needs to be crisper and sharper. Len said that the Paso didn't suit her 'Smiley Riley' personality. Brono said it was hard to be a man eater and even though her dance had all the content, it seemed to be the vegetarian option. I'm afraid a not so good score of 22 might just see her and Pascha in the bottom two again.

Darcey thought that Mark was a real elegant gentleman as he danced this Waltz with Iveta and she praised the improvement in his top line. Bruno thought it was great performance and Craig though it was so much better than that ghastly dance last week. I think Mark does funny and serious equally well and I hope he is here next week for what I think will be a Halloween special. A score of 28 was their highest yet.

Ashley and Ola's Jive was fast and furious and they were in sync throughout. Len said it had speed, energy and plenty of Gertcha (which was what he thought was missing from last weeks performance) in all a terrific effort. For the third week running this team got a score of 31 with Darcey proclaiming this dance brilliant.

Susanna and Kevin next, a delight as always and as Bruno said, it's always sunny in Susanna land and he thought this American Smooth was a great performance. Craig had only one word to say - Gorgeous! Len said it was smooth, suave and sophisticated. I've loved all Susanna's dances so far and I'm hoping that she and Kevin will make it all the way to at least the semi-final. They scored 32 points for this dashingly dapper dance.

Now we come to Ben & Kristina with a Quirky Quickstep to the theme tune from Friends. Once again quite a lot of faffing at the start which prompted Len to say that it was about time everyone started to present fuller routines, you tell 'em Len. Bruno requested the full whack from Ben next time and Craig said he didn't feel that Ben was leading. They got 27 points and will hopefully do better if they are back next week.

I don't mean to be picky (oh all right then, I do) but that definitely wasn't the outfit Brendan was wearing for the live performance of this Cha Cha Cha, so once again this must be a rehearsal photo. In the show his T-shirt was black and the stripe down his trousers was white, which made them look even more like tracky bottoms than they do in this picture. I'm not entirely convinced that that's the same jacket either but never mind. They got middling comments and their lowest score (30) since week one (28) but I'm sure she'll be back next week and wowing us once again.

So that's it for another week, just the results to wait for now. I don't want to lose Rachel but I fear she may be in the bottom two again with... Ooo, I'm not sure this week, hopefully Patrick and Anya with Patrick going bye bye.


Well, what a shocker... Deborah & Robin in the bottom two along with Patrick & Anya, so I thought that's ok, surely it will be Patrick going home, but no it was poor Deborah. I'm proper fuming for the first time this series and she was so upset bless her. It's a travesty, a travesty I tells ya. Pah!


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