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Monday 21 October 2013

You Make Me Feel Like Dancing

Greetings from Week 4 of Strictly Come Dancing 2013, where unlike in this picture no one has whipped out a 10 yet. There a few 9's being bandied about and the standard of dancing, with one or two notable exceptions is quite high for this early on in the competition.

Someone has obviously decided that there is far too much controversy surrounding poor Tess's dresses and plain and black now seems to be the way we are going on Saturday nights saving the slightly more risqué frocks for Sundays. 

So, let's meet the stars of our show....and first up tonight is the lovely Sophie with Brendan dancing a Foxy Foxtrot to 'Cheek to Cheek'. Her dress was, pink and feathery (why they can't dress Tess more like this I don't know) and Darcey said Sophie had style and grace all the way through. They came away with 35 points which was only one less than they received for their epic Charleston in Week 2.

Next we had Fiona and Anton with a rather rocky Rhumba....all was not well on the dance floor. Poor Fiona, although she looked the part in her blue and silver Rhumba frock, it was one of the least sexy interpretations of this dance that I've seen. As Bruno said, she had issues with her balance and Craig added that her hips were stiff and plonky (this from the man who is having a hip replacement operation tomorrow!) and that she lacked rhythm. She did look wobbly and not at all comfortable to me and only got 22 points.

Mark and Iveta danced a Cha Cha Cha to M.C. Hammer's 'You can't touch me'. Mark was even wearing the requisite baggy pants and once again his performance was brilliant. You can watch it here. Craig told Mark that he was very flat footed and stompy and what little actual Cha Cha Cha there was, was bad. Len didn't agree saying Mark was full of talent and he wouldn't tell us what Craig was full of! I don't care what any of them think, I love him and he makes me smile every week. 26 points for this dance equalled last weeks score for the American Smooth.

Then we had Asley and Ola with the Viennese Waltz which I quite liked but the judges did not seem too impressed with. Darcey said it was a little too safe, Len said he needed a bit more gusto, Bruno added that it was tender and romantic but needed more woomph! Then they gave him 31 points ?? Make your minds up judges. 

The ever enthusiastic Julien was up next ( Janette has just danced out of this picture or he's thrown her out...) with a suspect Salsa which although it was his best effort yet probably won't keep him out of the bottom two for the third week running (unless he gets the sympathy vote). Craig thinks he lacks musicality and Len said he needs more control.  However he did receive his best score yet, 23.

Rachel and Pascha (Drool!) did a sort of Bonnie & Clyde themed Quickstep in which it seemed as though Rachel occasionally struggled to keep up, only slightly but it was noticeable. Bruno said she just about got away with it but needs more control and strength. Darcey reminded us all that the Quickstep is a very challenging dance and although Rachel lost posture a bit she also had lovely footwork. They went down one point from last week earning 26 points.

The biggest turn-around so far is Ben, who in the first two weeks looked like he might never 'get it' but last week suddenly upped his game, found his confidence and produced a ravishing Rhumba. Of course the worry was that it could have been a one off but noooooooo out he came with Kristina and gave us a sizzling Salsa. He smiled all the way through and they did some magnificent moves which you can see here. Ben now seems to be the full package and has moved in to my second favourite spot. (I'll tell you my top five at the end of this post). 31 points is Ben & Kristina's best score yet.

Unfortunately (and she did have a good go at it) the Jive isn't Deborah's dance. I don't think those shoes did her any favours but Robin looked good in his wig. Craig thought she was flat footed with very lame kicks and although Bruno thought it was light hearted fun, he said her technique wasn't strong enough. Her score of 23 wasn't too bad and will hopefully keep them out of the bottom two. Fingers crossed.

Natalie and Artem (Phwoar!) are sublime. How she produced such a great performance after missing two days training with a serious back problem is anybody's guess. She must be drugged up to the eyeballs bless her. It's great that she managed to perform this week but this could be the type of injury that may ultimately put her out of the competition. Let's hope not as she is a joy to watch. They got 35 points and the judges were all impressed although Len thought they faffed about a bit too much at the start. He's not keen on faffing about isn't our Len!

I have a problem with Patrick and Anya. I just don't think they are as good as the judges think they are. I don't find them memorable. I'm obviously not seeing what everyone else is seeing, Craig said they were absolutely brilliant and Darcey praised his inner groove. I don't think he's bad, he just doesn't have any wow factor for me. They got 33 points for their Cha Cha Cha and if he makes it to next week maybe I'll like him more.

Abbey & Aljaz danced a Tasty Tango and Craig was obviously on a roll with the praise as he whipped out an A-MAZE-ING!!! Len thinks they are a formidable couple full of snap, crackle and pop! They seem to be getting on very well which is giving them great chemistry on the dance floor and they scored 35 points this week.

Dave had his serious feet on this week with a very simple but pleasing waltz. Karen had tidied his look up (hair tied back and beard neatly trimmed) and he definitely looked the part in his smart suit. He is loving every minute and what's really nice and a testament to Dave's personality, is that Karen is obviously loving it too. They got their highest score so far (23) which is 6 marks better than their previous highest score.

Finally we come to Susanna and Kevin with a saucy Indiana Jones themed Samba. I loved it, they always look like they are having so much fun. The judging was a bit grumpy in places with Craig calling it a bit muddy and Darcey said it was a bit fuzzy with a couple of messy bits. However they scored 29 points which will hopefully be enough to see them safely through.

My current top five are....

1. Susanna & Kevin
2. Ben & Kristina
3. Natalie & Artem (Phwoar!)
4. Mark & Iveta
5. Dave & Karen

My bottom two are....

1. Julien & Janette
2. Patrick & Anya


Oh my...that was a bit close. Thought we were going to lose Pascha (Drool!) for a minute there as he and Rachel ended up in the bottom two with Julien & Janette. But never fear, the judges did the right thing and unanimously saved Rachel. Phew!


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