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Friday 4 October 2013

World Animal Day

Today, the fourth of October, is World Animal Day. It is also the Feast Day of Saint Francis of Assisi who was known for his love of animals. World Animal Day was started in 1931 primarily to highlight the problems faced by the endangered species of the world.  One of the most endangered of these species is. . . .

orangutan with baby
The Sumatran Orangutan.
Critically endangered.

Sumatran Orangutan

Orangutans are Frugivores (fruit eaters) and their role is vital in the spreading of seeds over  very large areas.  If Orangutans became extinct, not only would we, in my opinion, lose one of the world's most beautiful animals, we would also lose several species of tree which the Oragutans help to maintain.
Tragically, on the Indonesian Island of Sumatra, an area of rainforest the size of five football pitches, is cleared for timber every 60 seconds and then replaced with pulpwood, rubber and palm oil plantations.

Giant Panda eating bamboo
Giant Panda.
Giant Panda resting in Sichuan Province, China

I think we all know that the Giant Panda is in trouble as a species but do we know why it is critical that they survive? The forests that Panda's live in are also the habitat of lots of other animals including Dwarf Blue Sheep, Golden Monkeys and Crested Ibis and Panda's facilitate the growth of vegetation needed by these other animals by spreading seeds. The Panda's live in the Yangtze Basin which is deep in the centre of China and  keeping this area populated and in good condition also increases the quality of life of the local people. Panda's are now protected by strict hunting laws but unfortunately continue to be killed accidentally by hunters of other animals. The Chinese government has established more than fifty Panda reserves but not all of the animals are protected (only about 61%) by these reserves.

If you want to adopt an Orangutan or adopt a Panda you can follow the links to the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) website where you will find all the information you need.
We can't celebrate World Animal Day without mentioning pets. I don't have any pets (apart from Jerry - see Blog post dated Tuesday 1st October) but as a nation the British love animals.

We love rabbits . . . .


We love Cats        

And we really love Dogs                

Er. . . . . . . . . . . . . . and some people kinda over-love their Dogs!!!

. . . . . .and Cats!

. . .and Rabbits!

So whether you have an animal, or look like an animal (I was definitely an Orangutan in a previous life) or fart like an animal ( I've thrown that in to check if anyone is actually reading these blog posts, so if you saw that, remember the word fart and say it to me when you next communicate with me!) let's all give thanks for the bootiful animules!


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