My Blog List

Wednesday 16 October 2013

How Many Days?

October the 16th is the 289th day of the year (290th in a Leap Year), and there are 76 days left until the end of the year, which means there are only 69 days to Christmas.....uh! oh! I said the C word, Sorreeeeeee! So, have you written your cards, bought your stamps, wrapped your prezzies? Only two more weeks and you can put the sprouts on. Please don't get carried away and put them on any sooner, you don't want to overcook the little boogers!

Speaking of Christmas trees.... what, we weren't? Well we are now, how about this for a clever version?

I might even have a go at this myself.  Purists will say that doing this will damage the books. I mean obviously don't use any first editions or signed copies, but books are meant to be enjoyed and you can always go and raid the local charity shop.  Won't be long before there aren't any real books anyway.........but that's another story.


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