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Tuesday 1 October 2013

Hickory, Dickory Dock..........

I've never had a dog or a cat, although we had a couple of rabbits when I was young (imaginatively named Blackie and Sandy.... I bet you'll never guess what colours they were!). So, I'm not much of an expert where pets are concerned but I seem to have acquired one anyway!  Unfortunately this one has moved in uninvited, which in my opinion is a bit rude. You may have already guessed that it is a mouse, let's call him Jerry. He's an elusive little bugger, doesn't seem to want to be stroked or played with, in fact he is positively skittish when approached with a big mallet.... well it always seemed to work for Tom..... Ahem!

I've tried feeding him with something other than might be strictly good for him but unless he's got a friend who looks just like him (always a possibility with mice) then he's stubbornly clinging on to this mortal coil. Last night he seemed to have got hold of a bit of cellophane or paper and was making an awful lot of noise behind the settee. Every time I got up to investigate he went quiet until I sat down again. Grrr! Each morning when I come downstairs, I have to nudge my slippers.... I just know that the day I forget to do this I'll hear a squeal as I push my toes up against a sleeping mouse and the squeal will be from me!

If Jerry knows what's good for him he'll leave quietly from wherever he came in or I'll have to bring out the big guns (metaphorically speaking.... can you picture me chasing him with a shotgun?). Pass the cheese!


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