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Monday 14 October 2013

You Look Good On The Dance Floor

Week 3 and Brucie's back, recovered from the flu..... why hasn't he had his flu jab? Tess was wearing a very plain long red dress with a strange metal gold collar and a nude net strip like a tie down the front!
As it is Love Week, the opening number was wedding themed with James and Ola as Bride and Groom and Craig as a sullen vicar. This lovely dance culminated in Craig getting two plates of custard pie wedding cake shoved in his face which amused everyone no end. And so to the dancing....................

Abbey & Aljaz danced the Jive. Score 28

Not sure about the white knee socks Abbey and I'm not entirely convinced that things are improving with the dancing.  Abbey & Aljaz did such a good job in the first week but have not really got any better in my opinion. I didn't think her flicks and kicks were sharp enough or high enough and Craig said her timing was out at the start and that she lacked attack. There are a few worse dancers so Abbey has plenty of time to improve and needn't worry about imminent elimination.

Patrick & Anya danced the Foxtrot. Score 27

Not the best picture, Anya's head looks like it's about to drop off! The Foxtrot is a beautiful dance and I'm not sure Patrick did it justice. I still think he needs to tuck his bottom in and he is being over marked for his middle of the road performances! The judges seem to like him but.....he's just not doing it for me, yet.

Dave & Karen danced the Paso Doble. Score 16

Oh Dave, Dave, Dave.... you are a ray of sunshine on a shitty day. What a magnificently scary Paso face and the cape work was actually not bad. Len said this dance was like being waxed.... painful when it's happening and lovely when it's over. I loved it and his personality and enthusiasm are so strong who cares what his feet are doing. Magic!

Fiona & Anton danced the Waltz. Score 28

Yay! Fiona got through this without kicking Anton or messing up and it was a rather charming performance. Even Craig thought she was extremely elegant. Len compared her to a game of snakes and ladders...last week she went down a snake, this week she's back up the ladder. Anton was as polished as ever in this ballroom dance and they make a lovely dancing partnership.

Rachel & Pascha (Drool!) danced the Cha Cha Cha. Score 27

Rachel looked gorgeous as usual and the Cha Cha Cha suited her as she was much improved from last week. She still needs to break free of the shackles of being a good girl and tap in to her wild child. I'm very glad she is improving as we don't want to lose the yummy Pascha (Drool!) too soon.

Mark and Iveta danced the American Smooth. Score 26

Mark & Iveta danced to It Must be Love by Madness and as usual it was a lovely combination of acting and dancing. He is very light on his feet and all the judges agreed what a great storyteller he is. Darcey thinks he needs to use his height more but all in all good comments for a lovely dance.

Ben & Kristina danced the Rhumba. Score 28

Dancing the Rhumba could have been car crash telly for Ben after his last two rather stiff performances, but my goodness, what an improvement. He didn't seem nearly as nervous and it was quite a sexy performance. Kristina was understandably once again like the cat that got the cream. She would love to win and if Ben keeps improving like this she has a good chance this year.

Sophie & Brendan danced the Samba. Score 31

After last weeks Charleston, Sophie and Brendan were always going to struggle to get more points for their Samba, but it was still a great rendition. Darcey said that Sophie has natural timing and musicality and the content of the dance was fab. Bruno said it was a sophisticated Samba from an uptown girl. They are definitely one of this seasons best couples.

Julien & Jannette danced the Jive. Score 22

Julien certainly looked the part for this Blues Brothers inspired Jive and both he and Janette seemed to be having fun. However Julien seemed to be out of step a lot of the time and Craig said he looked like a three year old at a dance recital after ten bags of sweets! Bruno said it was full of whacky attitude but he needs to focus more on his timing. Len thought it was Julien's best dance so far.

Susanna & Kevin danced the Viennese Waltz. Score 34

I really like these two, it's a captivating partnership. This dance was romantic, soft and floaty and as Bruno pointed out Susanna has a natural feel for dance, both latin and ballroom. Darcey said she was getting better and better every week and I'm hoping they stay in to the final.

Vanessa & James danced the Tango. Score 20

Are they deliberately trying to make Vanessa look stupid? I'd like to know who thought that ridiculous hairdo was a good idea. And was that dress last weeks blue dress dyed purple with cap sleeves added? You only have to look at Deborah and Fiona to see that Vanessa is getting short shrift from the hair and wardrobe departments. Her dancing isn't as good as some of the others but it is better than the paltry marks she is being given.

Some people seem to want to turn Vanessa into this years comedy celebrity whilst Dave who is this years comedy celebrity is getting away with it and getting praised.

Ashley & Ola danced the Samba. Score 31

Another dress that Ola was nearly wearing, I thought it was love week not bondage week! Darcey said that Ben needed to lift his eye level (something I would have thought impossible for any red blooded male with Ola wearing that outfit). Len thought Ashley coped well with a difficult dance and Craig thought his hip rolls were absolute filth.....but he loved them.

Natalie & Artem danced the Rhumba. Score 36

Artem (Phwoar!) was delectable as usual and Natalie is rapidly becoming the best of the bunch this year. Bruno described her as beauty in perpetual motion and Darcey told her that she speaks with the whole of her body. Natalie did have a little trouble with her hair flying over her face but she managed to move it out of her eyes quite gracefully.

Deborah & Robin danced the Quick Step. Score 28

Finally we have Deborah & Robin who always appear to be loving every step. To me, Deborah seems to be looking younger every week and her hair and dress were particularly lovely for this Quick Step. I really enjoyed this dance and Bruno said that she is turning from a dragon into a butterfly. Even Craig liked it, saying that she puts a smile on his face. Darcey loves the pleasure that Deborah gets from dancing and Len said it was her best dance yet.


Nervous: The celebrities and the professional dancers all looked nervous ahead of the results

In the bottom two this week were Julien & Janette and Vanessa & James. Both couples improved on their first attempt at these dances, especially Julien. The judges must have thought so too as all four of them saved him and it was goodbye to Vanessa & James.


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